Conducting Accreditation Reviews at Reasonable Intervals

Policy Statements

The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT):

10.301accredits existing programs for up to a maximum duration of eight years
10.302requires programs accredited for eight years to submit an interim report.
10.303accredits initial programs for up to a maximum duration of three years.
10.304requires each accredited program to submit an annual report.
10.305conducts accreditation reviews at established intervals.
10.306continues to recognize programs as accredited until a subsequent accreditation action occurs or until accreditation is withdrawn.
10.307retains the ability to defer consideration of a program to the next subsequent board meeting when additional information is needed.


The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT):

10.301Apublishes the projected year of the next accreditation review.
10.302Arequires a program awarded eight years accreditation to submit an interim report during the fourth year of the award (the award period begins on the date of the last site visit).
10.302Brequires a program awarded five years accreditation extended to eight years by progress report to submit an interim report at the mid-point between the date of the last site visit and the date of the next projected site visit based on the eight year award.
10.302Cnotifies in writing, six months in advance of the due date, programs of the interim report requirement and providing report content and submission date.
10.302Drequires the content of the interim report to include:
 i.     updated program information, and
 ii.    information (narrative), analysis, and exhibits relating to the relevant 2021 Standards:
       Standard One – Objectives 1.1 and 1.6
       Standard Two – Objectives 2.1 and 2.2
       Standard Five – Objectives 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4
       Standard Six – Objectives 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5
10.302Ereviews the submitted interim report and determines if the existing accreditation award will be maintained or reduced and the continuing accreditation process expedited.
10.304Aanalyzes, within 90 days of receipt of an annual report, program completion rate, national credentialing examination pass rate, and job placement rate.
10.304Bnotifies programs of JRCERT concerns for specific parameter(s) of student achievement as defined in JRCERT Policy 11.500.
10.304Crequires the program to submit a plan of action for improvement addressing the JRCERT concern within 30 days of receipt of notification.
10.304Dreviews the submitted plan and determines if the existing accreditation award will be maintained or involuntarily withdrawn or if the continuing accreditation process must be expedited.
10.305Arevises a program’s accreditation review interval, guided by the current accreditation status, to accommodate reasonable requests initiated by the sponsor.

Cross References

10.200  Accreditation Actions
10.500  Conducting Concurrent Site Visits
11.200  Self-Study Report
50.700  Functions and Responsibilities

Adopted by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology:  04/04
Revised:  10/09; 10/12; 04/13; 04/19; 06/24
Editorial Revision:  03/11; 10/12; 10/19; 06/20; 05/22