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          JRCERT Continues Its

          Long-standing Recognition by the

          U.S. Department of Education

          Laura S Aaron, PhD, R.T.(R)(M)(QM), FASRT

                or 47 years, the Joint Review Committee on   accounting for 28% of its total number of allied health
                Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT)   programs. In 1992, the AMA announced it was dis-
                has been committed to excellence in education   solving CAHEA, and a freestanding accreditor was
         Fand the quality and safety of patient care. The    established—the Commission on Accreditation of
          JRCERT is the only independent accrediting agency   Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP).
          recognized by the U.S. Department of Education     CAAHEP would come to assume the responsibil-
          (USDE) to accredit educational programs in the radio-  ity for accreditation of all allied health programs.
          logic sciences. The USDE defines an independent    However, the JRCERT Board of Directors was con-
          accreditor as an agency that establishes its own policies,   cerned that this type of accreditation structure would
          determines its own budget, and selects directors who   be inefficient and too costly to radiologic sciences
          are not appointed by any other related affiliation or   programs. Therefore, the JRCERT Board decided
          organization.                                      to pursue independent accreditor status through the
                                                             USDE and declined joining the CAAHEP. CAAHEP
          Path to Recognition                                still exists and is responsible for accreditation of more
            Although the JRCERT first received recognition as   than 2000 educational programs in 28 health science
          an independent accreditor from the USDE in the     occupations.
          early 90s, the real journey began in 1969 when        Over the years, as the U.S. government provided more
          the American Society of Radiologic Technologists   financial support for higher education, it became more
          (ASRT) and the American College of Radiology       interested in ensuring that federal funds were not pro-
          (ACR) established the JRCERT under the accredi-    vided to low-performing institutions. In 1965, the Higher
          tation criteria provided by the American Medical   Education Act (HEA) was created to govern the admin-
          Association (AMA) Council on Medical Education.    istration of federal funds for student aid and the criteria
          This relationship lasted until 1976 when the council   used by the USDE to recognize accrediting agencies. With
          decided to delegate the responsibilities of accredita-  the passage of the HEA, Congress determined that for an
          tion of allied health programs to a newly formed group   institution to receive federal funding, it must be accred-
          called the Committee on Allied Health Education    ited by an agency recognized by the USDE. Recognition
          and Accreditation (CAHEA), which was still under   by the USDE ensures an agency is a reliable authority
          the auspices of the AMA. The JRCERT became one     regarding the quality of education offered by the institu-
          of the largest review committees within CAHEA,     tion or program.

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, July/August 2016, Volume 87, Number 6                                    675
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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