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            Study abroad experiences provide a set of rich learn-  health care workforce in the selected city, London, is
          ing opportunities that cannot be replicated elsewhere   quite diverse, with 40.2% of employees being nonwhite.
          and make this an especially important component of    The typical program schedule includes 2 days at a
          increasing global awareness and perspective taking. In   host university medical center attending classes and
          their article Student Intercultural Proficiency From   shadowing local students, health care providers, or both
          Study Abroad Programs, Clarke et al suggested that   (see Figure 1). Examples of opportunities not available
          participation in study abroad experiences can lead   at home institutions include a pathology museum that
          to multiple global-learning skills such as increased   houses thousands of specimens dating back more than
          openness to diversity, global-mindedness, increased   a century and the institution’s cadaver laboratory. A
          understanding of self-identity, and greater proficiency   full-day walking tour with a medical historian exposes
          in intercultural interactions.  The study noted that   students to a selection of cultural and medically rel-
          students described study abroad as life-changing,  yet   evant experiences unique to London, including the
          little empirical evidence exists to explain the nuances   National Gallery, the Royal College of Physicians, the
          and importance of this statement.                  Old Operating Theatre Museum, the British Museum,
                                                             and the Science Museum (see Figure 2). Students are
          Clinical Study Abroad Program for                  fascinated to learn how medicine was portrayed in the
          Radiography Students                               arts throughout the centuries.
            The opportunity to participate in a nuclear         Assigned student groups participate in pretravel
          medicine study abroad partnership program with col-  research to learn about various health care industry
          leagues from Chattanooga State Community College   models (eg, socialized medicine and the UK’s National
          in 2018 prompted us to investigate developing a    Health System), educational pathways, and routine
          similar program for radiography students. After some   protocols. Participants engage with students enrolled
          preparatory work, the first short-term, radiologic   in similar programs in another culture with different
          technology–embedded clinical study abroad partner-  standards of academic preparation and credential-
          ship program was offered in 2020 under the auspices of   ing. Group sharing on site with students, faculty,
          the Tennessee Consortium for International Studies.   and health care professionals has evolved into 2-way
          Imaging students and faculty from 3 Tennessee com-
          munity colleges (Chattanooga State Community
          College, Columbia State Community College, and
          Jackson State Community College) traveled to the
          United Kingdom. The program intentionally prioritizes
          including students who might be least likely to have
          these experiences: first-generation college students,
          underrepresented populations by discipline, financially
          disadvantaged students, and nontraditional students.
          Tennessee Student Engagement, Retention, and Success
          Grants and institutional international studies fees par-
          tially offset the cost of participation for students. As a
          result of the program, students with limited previous
          opportunities were able to travel internationally.
            The program gives students an opportunity to work
          directly with a diverse population of employees and
          patients in a culturally unique city. This program’s on-  Figure 1. Radiologic technology and emergency medical services
          site partner is a racially diverse institution with 59.9%   students prepared for their clinical rotations at St George’s Hospital in
          of enrolled students being nonwhite. In addition, the   London, England. Photo courtesy of the author.

          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2023. All rights reserved.
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