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          JRCERT’s Strategic Planning Vision From a

          Radiology Management Perspective

          Jason Scott, MBA, R.T.(R)(MR), CRA, FAHRA

                  strategic plan is a critical element of any suc-  A strategic plan should set priorities to focus energy
                  cessful organization. With long-term plan-  and resources on strengthening operations and ensur-
                  ning, the current status is identified and a   ing that employees are working toward the goals
          A h is developed to meet future goals, where-      identified in the strategic plan. Furthermore, it should
          as strategic planning starts with the end in mind and   be assessed regularly to ensure that business decisions
          works backward to achieve desired goals. Earlier this   are correlated with the strategic plan.
          year, at its spring meeting, the Joint Review Committee   No absolute rules or frameworks are required for
          on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT)     strategic planning; however, there are some common
          completed a review of its strategic plan (see Box). Many   goals :
          radiology administrators actively are involved in strate-  ¡  Analysis or assessment – understand current
          gic planning. As the Association for Medical Imaging    internal and external environments.
          Management representative on the JRCERT board of      ¡  Strategy formulation – develop a basic plan and a
          directors, I have had the honor to assist the JRCERT    high-level strategy.
          with its strategic planning process.                  ¡  Strategy execution – translate the plan into opera-
            The JRCERT prides itself as being the only agency     tional and action items.
          recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and    ¡  Evaluation management – assess the performance
          the Council for Higher Education Accreditation for      of meeting action items.
          the accreditation of traditional and distance deliv-
          ery educational programs in radiography, radiation   Conclusion
          therapy, magnetic resonance, and medical dosimetry.   As a radiology administrator, it is of utmost impor-
          Specialized accreditation awarded by the JRCERT    tance that our technologists are educated properly
          offers institutions significant value by providing peer   to maintain our profession’s credibility. I encourage
          evaluation of the educational process and by assuring   educational programs in the radiologic sciences to
          the public that students receive a quality professional   become JRCERT accredited to promote a culture of
          education in the radiologic sciences. In addition, the   excellence. Furthermore, I challenge each radiology
          public can be confident that graduates of a JRCERT-  administrator to make it a priority to hire graduates
          accredited program will have developed the requisite   from JRCERT-accredited programs so that our profes-
          skills and behaviors to provide safe, high-quality patient   sion can continue to solidify itself as one of the premier
          care.                                              providers of quality health care.

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, November/December 2016, Volume 88, Number 2                              199
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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