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JRCERT Update                                                                JRCERT Update

          Integrating Study Abroad Opportunities in

          The Health Sciences Curriculum

          Kae B Fleming, EdD, R.T.(R)

                      hat if students could work collaboratively   In addition, study abroad programs strive to improve
                      with other students from the radiologic   the quality of education for the targeted populations
                      sciences or interprofessional health pro-  by cultivating personal and professional skills to better
          Wgrams in other countries? Studying                prepare students for a diverse workplace. In other health
          abroad provides extracurricular applied-learning expe-  sciences study abroad programs, students reported
          riences that enhance understanding of course content,   improvements in the following abilities:
          personal development, and job readiness. Health          ƒ increased self-confidence, self-reliance, profes-
          Sciences faculty at Columbia State Community College    sional knowledge, and knowledge of international
          in rural Tennessee have an ongoing goal to expand stu-  health care systems 3
          dent learning to include different cultures, health care     ƒ opportunities to compare cultural differences
          delivery models, procedures and protocols, and path-    and similarities, build communication skills, and
          ways for credentialing.                                 enhance respect for cultural differences  4
                                                                   ƒ soft skills (eg, understanding cultural differences
          Advantages of Studying Abroad                           and improved relationships with instructors) 5
            The Joint Review Committee on Education in          With the acceleration of the changing health care
          Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) Standards for an    landscape, there is a demonstrated need for future
          Accredited Educational Program include requirements   health care professionals who have increased knowledge
          for a curriculum that prepares students for professional   and experience regarding differences in culture, health
          practice. Standard 4 Objective 4.2 states, “The program   care delivery, academic preparation, protocols, and
          provides a well-structured curriculum that prepares   career opportunities beyond the students’ locality. The
          students to practice in the professional discipline.”    collaborative nature of studying abroad explicitly chal-
          Included in this objective is the incorporation of innova-  lenges students to broaden their cultural awareness and
          tive educational approaches and study abroad programs.   heightens awareness of the interdisciplinary expecta-
          In addition, the JRCERT requires programs to follow   tions of the workplace.
          the American Society of Radiologic Technologists cur-
          ricula for radiography, radiation therapy, and magnetic   Challenges With Studying Abroad
          resonance imaging. Medical dosimetry programs fol-    According to a report on the international educa-
          low the program provided by the American Association   tion exchange,  life sciences student participation in
          for Medical Dosimetrists.  Both curricula incorporate   study abroad programs is disproportionately low, and
          cultural competencies, diversity, and inclusive envi-  White students compose the majority of student abroad
          ronments.  Via study abroad opportunities, programs   participants (see Table). Health sciences students also
          are incorporating cultural awareness and competency   are underrepresented in study abroad programs. The
          throughout the curriculum. Cultural competency has   typical academic structure of health science programs,
          value in every context and helps students prepare for   scarcity of free electives, and year-round enrollment
          gainful employment providing exceptional patient care   make participation in general education, summer, mul-
          to an increasingly diverse society.                tiweek, or semester-abroad options virtually impossible

          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2023. All rights reserved.
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