Page 135 - JRCERT Update Articles
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                                                                                               Zelna, Schans

          information about how each element is performed, as   of administration—should consider taking courses
          well as electronic or paper samples to follow.     related to educational leadership or administration.
            Not only should the assessment plan be included in
          the transition package, so should samples of the tools   Curriculum, Administration, and Accreditation
          required to obtain the data. If, for example, program   New program directors need to understand the cur-
          satisfaction is 1 of the required measures, a survey can   riculum of the programs, including the order of the
          be used to assess graduates’ opinions. And although   courses, numbers of full-time faculty and part-time
          the program director is responsible for conducting the   instructors needed to teach, and clinical personnel
          survey, collecting the information, and analyzing the   needed to assist with clinical education.
          data, others—faculty, advisory committee members,     In addition to teaching responsibilities, the program
          and other interested parties—have a say in the analy-  director is responsible for student recruitment, admis-
          sis and actions taken to ensure that changes made   sion, and graduation requirements, a task that can
          to the curriculum and program are appropriate and   consume a considerable amount of time. Having the
          agreed on.                                         cooperation of other faculty members can help with the
            Other tactics new program directors can use to ease   distribution of duties in these areas.
          the transition include:                               Program directors also are responsible for building
                ƒ Reaching out to colleagues within the institution  the accountability reports for accreditation. JRCERT-
               or within the profession for assistance.      accredited programs undergo a program review at the
                ƒ Holding individual meetings with faculty mem-  end of an accreditation award, which is determined by
               bers to determine how they see their roles in the  the JRCERT board of directors. If a program is given
               department or what their short-term and long-  an 8-year award, for example, a 4-year interim report is
               term goals include.                           required.
                ƒ Scheduling department meetings, on a routine
               basis, with a clear agenda.                   Assistance
                ƒ Asking faculty members for agenda items for dis-  Although the role of program director can be
               cussion or action.                            demanding, the benefits often outweigh the drawbacks.
                ƒ Streamlining data collection that serves both pro-  There are a number of ways to operate a program and
               grammatic and institutional review processes.  numerous resources and suggestions to aid an individu-
                                                             al’s transition into the role.
          Learning New Tasks                                    A number of succession planning resources that out-
          Finances                                           line steps for success are online. Using key words such
            A new program director must learn a wide vari-   as department chair resources or succession planning can
          ety of new tasks. One of the greatest is dealing with   yield a number of links to relevant information.
          the budget for the institution’s radiography depart-  The JRCERT website includes valuable informa-
          ment. A master’s degree is required of those who   tion about the accreditation process, the Assessment
          serve as directors in Joint Review Committee on    Center, and accreditation-specific program resources
          Education in Radiologic Technology-accredited      such as modules, checklists, and position statements. The
          programs. However, if the individual’s degree does   JRCERT also has web-based and face-to-face resources to
          not include in-depth instruction on budget devel-  help program directors with programmatic accreditation,
          opment and oversight, he or she can reach out to   assessment of student learning, and program effectiveness
          the institutional leadership (eg, dean, provost) and   outcomes.  Accreditation and outcomes assessment work-
          finance department for guidance in understanding   shops are offered during the year, at various localities, that
          the budget process. Faculty members who are inter-  explain how to submit accreditation and assessment docu-
          ested in taking on leadership positions—such as    ments. Lastly, the JRCERT staff is available via phone or
          program director, department chair, or higher levels   email to answer questions that arise.

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, November/December 2017, Volume 89, Number 2                              197
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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