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          Assessment: Working Backward

          it is time to put it all together. Further delineation is   Box 2
          needed to hone in on what each statement means in   Sample Student Learning Outcomes
          terms of measurable skills, attitudes, and behaviors.
          Although some statements seem clear, everyone asso-  Example Goal 1:
          ciated with the program must know exactly what the   Our students/graduates will use critical-thinking skills.
                                                                SLO 1.1 – students will analyze pretreatment imaging and
          requisite skills, attitudes, behaviors, and values are and   make treatment adjustments. A possible measurement tool
          how they will be assessed. Consider the statement from   is an imaging rubric.
          the critical thinking example in Box 1: Our graduates     SLO 1.2 – students will produce treatable plans for areas
          adapt to new procedures, technologies, and situations.   that have previously received radiation therapy. A possible
          The specific behaviors, skills, and attitudes associated   measurement tool is a treatment plan.
          with the statement must be identified to determine how     SLO 1.3 – students will adjust positioning to accommodate
          to use this desired trait in an assessment plan. Skills,   the patient’s condition. Possibilities for measurement tools
          attitudes, and behaviors associated with being adaptable   are clinical evaluations and simulation evaluations.
          need to be determined, and specific new procedures,
          technologies, or situations of focus for the program   Example Goal 2:
          specified. Once these steps are completed, SLOs can be   Our students/graduates will demonstrate professionalism.
          developed for a particular goal (see Box 2).          SLO 2.1 – students will demonstrate ethical behaviors.
                                                                Possibilities for measurement tools are clinical evaluations
          Measuring Success                                     and employer surveys.
            When the program and all of the communities         SLO 2.2 – students will be prepared for the employment
          of interest have agreed on the ideal graduate’s skills,   interview process. A possible measurement tool is to
                                                                produce a professional résumé.
          behaviors, attitudes, and values and appropriate SLOs     SLO 2.3 – students will be able to analyze career
          have been developed and measured, the final step is to   opportunities. A possible measurement tool is to develop a
          analyze the assessment results to determine program   career plan.
          success. If benchmarks are continually being met, it
          might be time to raise the benchmarks or find another
          area to examine and assess for program improvement.   Conclusion
          However, if the established benchmarks are not being   Assessment is the most effective means by which
          met over multiple assessment periods, the program   program faculty can make evidence-based decisions for
          should reassess benchmarks, measurement tools, and   program improvement. Working assessment backward
          perhaps curriculum. It is possible the content area cov-  involves the program and communities of interest work-
          ered by the SLOs needs to be enhanced or the bench-  ing together to make the process more meaningful.
          marks might have been set too high.                Asking questions to determine the skills, attitudes, behav-
            The program can analyze the data for patterns. Data   iors, and values that are most important to the program
          might show a specific group of students not meeting   and communities of interest provides valuable insight for
          the benchmark, or it might show all students struggling   the program and a roadmap for the assessment process.
          with the SLOs. Trends leading to decreasing results   Once the meaningful traits are identified, determining
          might be found by studying data over several years.   what to measure is simple. With measurable SLOs, mul-
          When examining data in relation to the curriculum, any   tiple measurement tools can be identified or developed for
          changes in teaching methodology or instructors should   effective measurement of student learning.
          be taken into account. Careful analysis of data will   Because communities of interest are involved in the
          show whether the measurement tools really measure   assessment process, there is buy-in from the clinical
          the SLOs and should help the program identify oppor-  sites. When program faculty, clinical instructors, and
          tunities for incremental improvement, which is the pur-  clinical staff have the same expectations for student
          pose of assessment.                                learning, the evaluations and measurement tools are

          680                                                 RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, July/August 2015, Volume 86, Number 6
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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