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          unfamiliar situations that can arise daily in radiologic   Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass; 2007:83-105.
          science professions. Clearly communicating learning   6.   Svinicki MD, McKeachie WJ. Assessing, testing, and
          outcomes also helps to develop course content, prepara-  evaluating: grading is not the most important function. In:
          tion, and assessment while assisting in accreditation.  Svinicki MD, McKeachie WJ, eds. McKeachie’s Teaching
                                                                 Tips: Strategies, Research, and Theory for College and
          Conclusion                                             University Teachers. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage
                                                                 Learning; 2014:73-84.
            Developing program assessment plans should not
          be something done to appease administration or the   7.   Rhodes TL. Show me the learning: value, accreditation,
                                                                 and the quality of the degree. Soc Coll Univ Plan. 2012;40
          JRCERT. Yes, assessment plans are required for accredi-  (3):36-42.
          tation, but collecting data for the sake of collecting data   8.   McClellan EF. What a long, strange trip it’s been: three
          is a waste of time. Assessment plans need to focus on   decades of outcomes assessment in higher education.
          student learning and program improvement. The devel-   Am Pol Sci Assoc. 2016;49(1):88-92. doi:10.1017/S1049
          opment of the assessment plan begins at the course level   096515001298.
          of the curriculum by developing learning outcomes
          that describe a behavior, explain the condition, and set
          criteria, while encompassing accreditation standards.
          Moreover, this practice places the quality and education
          of the radiologic science degree earned at the forefront
          of higher education processes.

            Julie Lasley, PhD, R.T.(R)(T), is the radiation therapy
          program director for Baptist College of Health Sciences in
          Memphis, Tennessee, and serves as the liaison for service
          learning for the state of Tennessee Consortium. She also
          serves on the Joint Review Committee on Education in
          Radiologic Technology board of directors.

          1.   Garfolo BT, Huillier B. Demystifying assessment: the road
              to accreditation. J Coll Teach Learn. 2015;12(3):151-170.
          2.   Berret D. The unwritten rules of college. The Chronicle of
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              /The-Unwritten-Rules-of/233245. Published September
              21, 2015. Accessed October 26, 2017.
          3.   Carter I, Coyle J, Leslie D. Easing the transfer of students
              from college to university programs: how can learning out-
              comes help? Can J High Educ. 2011;41(2):10-27.
          4.   Hatfield S. IDEA paper #45: assessing your program-level
              assessment plan.
              /IDEA_Paper_45.pdf. Published 2009. Accessed October
              26, 2017.
          5.   McClusky H, Illeris K, Jarvis P. Knowles’s andragogy, and
              models of adult learning. In: Merriam S, Caffarella RS,
              Baumgartner LM, eds. Learning in Adulthood. 3rd ed. San

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, January/February 2018, Volume 89, Number 3                               311
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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