Page 12 - Radiography Flipbook
P. 12

Standard One: Accountability, Fair Practices, and

                                                    Public Information

                   1.6     The program publishes program effectiveness data (state licensing
                           examination pass rate, job placement rate, and program completion rate) on
                           an annual basis.


                   Program accountability is enhanced, in part, by making its program effectiveness data available to the
                   program’s communities of interest, including the public.  In an effort to increase accountability and
                   transparency, the program must publish, at a minimum, its most recent five-year average state licensing
                   examination pass rate data, five-year average job placement rate data, and annual program completion
                   rate data on its website to allow the public access to this information.  If the program cannot document
                   five years of program effectiveness data, it must publish its available effectiveness data.

                   The program effectiveness data must clearly identify the sample size associated with each measure (i.e.,
                   number of first-time test takers, number of graduates actively seeking employment, and number of

                   Program effectiveness data is published on the JRCERT website.  Programs must publish a hyperlink to
                   the JRCERT website to allow students and the public access to this information.

                   Required Program Response:

                       •   Provide the hyperlink for the program’s effectiveness data webpage.
                       •   Provide samples of publications that document the availability of program effectiveness data via
                           the JRCERT URL address from the program’s website.

                   Possible Site Visitor Evaluation Methods:

                       •   Review of program website
                       •   Review of program publications
                       •   Interviews with faculty
                       •   Interviews with students
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