Page 92 - Magnetic Resonance Flipbook
P. 92

Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology
                                                                                         20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 2850
                                                                                               Chicago, IL  60606-3182

                                         Sample Contingency Plan


               The purpose of the contingency plan is to provide continuity of student learning, while sustaining the
               mission, vision, and values of the program during a catastrophic event.  This plan identifies procedures
               for communication with all faculty, staff, students, and
               clinical settings/preceptors. This plan identifies procedures that are followed in preparing for adjustments
               to classrooms, the energized laboratory, faculty offices, student services, and clinical setting access.
               Resources that are available to all faculty
               and students are identified. Specific responsibilities are listed for program leadership/administration and
               the sponsoring institution. In addition, the procedure for resuming normal operations is identified.


               Activating the Contingency Plan
               If a catastrophic event occurs, administration will communicate with all faculty, staff, and
               students by sending a message through the learning management system. When the communication is
               received, the Program Director and Dean will assess the situation, determine what aspects of the
               program will be impacted, and activate the Contingency Plan. The Program Director will be responsible
               for communicating the plan of response
               to all program faculty and students. The mode of communication will be determined at the time of the
               event. Updated student contact information is available in the student information system. Appropriate
               PPE will be provided to all students if needed.

               Clinical Settings/Preceptors
               If clinical course schedules will be impacted by the catastrophic event, the Clinical
               Coordinator will communicate that information to all clinical preceptors and students impacted by the
               event. Clinical course schedules may be altered. Updated clinical
               setting and clinical preceptor contact information is available on the learning management system. All
               faculty and students have a university e-mail.


               If students are not able to remain on campus in the event of a catastrophic event, all
               courses will be moved online utilizing the learning management system, which is cloud based backed-up
               Energized Laboratory
               If the energized lab is not available to students on campus in the event of a catastrophic event, all
               lab instruction will be moved to a JRCERT approved clinical
               setting.  The clinical setting used will be determined at the time of the catastrophic event.

               Faculty Offices
               If faculty office space is impacted by a catastrophic event:
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