Page 35 - Medical Dosimetry Flipbook
P. 35

Standard Four: Curriculum and Academic Practices

         4.3   All clinical settings must be recognized by the JRCERT.


         All clinical settings must be recognized by the JRCERT.  Clinical settings must be recognized prior to
         student assignment.  Ancillary medical facilities and imaging centers that are owned, operated, and on
         the same campus of a recognized setting do not require JRCERT recognition.  A minimum of one (1)
         clinical preceptor must be identified for each recognized clinical setting.

         If a facility is used as an observation site, JRCERT recognition is not required.  An observation site is used
         for student observation of equipment operation and/or procedures that may not be available at
         recognized clinical settings.  Students may not assist in, or perform, any aspects of patient care during
         observational assignments.  Facilities where students participate in community-based learning do not
         require recognition.

         Required Program Response:

            •   Assure all clinical settings are recognized by the JRCERT.
            •   Provide a listing of ancillary facilities under one clinical setting recognition.
            •   Describe how observation sites, if used, enhance student clinical education.

         Possible Site Visitor Evaluation Methods:

            •   Review of JRCERT database
            •   Review of clinical records
            •   Interviews with faculty
            •   Interviews with clinical preceptors
            •   Interviews with clinical staff
            •   Interviews with students
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