Page 25 - Medical Dosimetry Flipbook
P. 25

Standard Three: Faculty and Staff

         3.3   The sponsoring institution and program assure the responsibilities of faculty
                and clinical staff are delineated and performed.


         Faculty and clinical staff responsibilities must be clearly delineated and support the program’s mission.
         The program director and clinical coordinator may have other responsibilities as defined by the
         sponsoring institution; however, these added responsibilities must not compromise the ability, or the
         time allocated, to perform the responsibilities identified in this objective.  For all circumstances when a
         program director’s and/or clinical coordinator’s appointment is less than 12 months and students are
         enrolled in didactic and/or clinical courses, the program director and/or clinical coordinator must assure
         that all program responsibilities are fulfilled.

         Required Program Response:

            •  Describe how faculty and clinical staff responsibilities are delineated.
            •  Describe how the delegation of responsibilities occurs to assure continuous coverage of program
                responsibilities, if appropriate.
            •  Provide documentation that faculty and clinical staff positions are clearly delineated.
            •  Provide assurance that faculty responsibilities are fulfilled throughout the year.

         Possible Site Visitor Evaluation Methods:
            •  Review of position descriptions

            •  Review of handbooks
            •  Interviews with institutional administration
            •  Interviews with faculty
            •  Interviews with clinical preceptors
            •  Interviews with clinical staff
            •  Interviews with students
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