Page 32 - Medical Dosimetry Flipbook
P. 32

Standard Four: Curriculum and Academic Practices

                    4.1    The program has a mission statement that defines its purpose.

                    The program’s mission statement should clearly define the purpose or intent toward which the program’s
                    efforts are directed.  The mission statement should support the mission of the sponsoring institution.  The
                    program must evaluate the mission statement, at a minimum every three years, to assure it is effective.
                    The program should engage faculty and other communities of interest in the reevaluation of its mission

                    Required Program Response:

                       •   Describe how the program’s mission supports the mission of the sponsoring institution.
                       •   Describe how the program reevaluates its mission statement.
                       •   Provide documentation of the reevaluation of the mission statement.

                    Possible Site Visitor Evaluation Methods:
                       •   Review of published program materials
                       •   Review of meeting minutes

                       •   Interviews with institutional administration
                       •   Interviews with faculty
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