Page 61 - Medical Dosimetry Flipbook
P. 61

Glossary of Terms

        Distance education: refer to the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, Pub. L. No. 110-315,
        §103(a)(19) and JRCERT Policy 10.800 - Alternative Learning Options.

                Asynchronous distance learning: learning and instruction that do not occur in the same
                place or at the same time.

                Distance education: an educational process characterized by the separation, in time and/or
                place, between instructor and student.  Distance education supports regular and substantive
                interaction synchronously or asynchronously between the instructor and student through one or
                more interactive distance delivery technologies.

                Distance (Delivery) technology: instructional/delivery methods that may include the use
                of TV, audio, or computer transmissions (broadcast, closed-circuit, cable, microwave, satellite
                transmissions); audio, computer, or Internet-based conferencing; and/or methodologies.

                Hybrid medical dosimetry course: a professional level medical dosimetry course that
                uses a mix of face-to-face traditional classroom instruction along with synchronous or
                asynchronous distance education instruction.  Regardless of institutional definition, the JRCERT
                defines a hybrid radiography course as one that utilizes distance education for more than 50% of
                instruction     and learning.

                Online medical dosimetry course: a professional level medical dosimetry course that
                primarily uses asynchronous distance education instruction.  Typically, the course instruction and
                learning is 100% delivered via the Internet.  Often used interchangeably with Internet-based
                learning, web-based learning, or distance learning.

                Synchronous distance learning: learning and instruction that occur at the same time and
                in the same place.

                [Definitions based on Accrediting Commission of Education in Nursing (ACEN) Accreditation Manual glossary]

        Equivalent: with regards to certification and registration, certification by the American Board of
        Radiology (ABR) as a radiation oncologist or the American Board of Medical Physicists (ABMP) as a
        medical physicist.

        Faculty: the teaching staff for didactic and clinical instruction.  These individuals may also be known as
        academic personnel.

        Faculty workload: contact/credit hours or percentages of time that reflect the manner in which the
        sponsoring institution characterizes, structures, and documents the nature of faculty members’ teaching
        and non-teaching responsibilities.  Workload duties include, but are not limited to, teaching, advisement,
        administration, committee activity, service, clinical practice, research, and other scholarly activities.
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