Page 147 - JRCERT Organizational Reports
P. 147

2016 - Number of Site Visits Conducted

                                                                     2016       2015
                                        Radiography                   103        112

                                        Radiation Therapy              15          12

                                        Magnetic Resonance              4           4

                                        Medical Dosimetry               0           7
                                        Total                         122        135

                                                 Site Visitors

               The JRCERT recognizes those site visitors who participated in program evaluations conducted
               in 2016.  Our sincere thanks to our site visitors for their dedication to the profession and

               continued support of programmatic accreditation and the mission of the JRCERT.
                Albrecht, Gloria A.            Charman, Dawn N.                Haugen, Kenya R.
                Alexander, Kelli L.            Collins, Kevin S.               Hayes, Steven G.
                Allen, Denise R.               Conyers, Darrell E.             Haynes, Kelli Welch
                Anderson, Marilyn R.           Cooper, Catherine M.            Hembree, Clyde R.
                Anderson, Stacy L.             Cornett, Robin T.               Hensley, Chad N.
                Baker, Kristy M.               Cranfill, Kellie S.             Herrmann, Tracy L.
                Baker, Laura D.                Davis, Jennifer C.              Hirt, Janet K.
                Barger, Peter J.               Drago, Charles I.               Holland, Carolyn M.
                Bass, Suzieann                 Drotar, Kathleen M.             Huynh, Melissa D.
                Bicklein, Sheryl D.            Dunn, Kerry O.                  Ingrassia, Jennett M.
                Bode, Alan J.                  Dunn, Matthew R.                Ionescu, Tuta
                Boiteaux, Sonja K.             Eichinger, John W.              Ivan, Elaine R.
                Bourne, Hazel E.               Floerchinger, Sherry M.         Johnson, Heather C.
                Bower, Richard K.              Ford, Catherine A.              Johnson, Jordan M.
                Bradley, Gregory L.            Fortsch, Peggy S.               Keider, R. Charles
                Brewer, Patricia A.            Garza, Joe A.                   Kelly, Lacy S.
                Butcher, Deanna L.             Garza, Teresa M.                Kindle, Kevin E.
                Caldwell, Shaun T.             Giordano, Patricia J.           Konn, Terry M.
                Carlton, Richard R.            Greathouse, Joanne S.           Kowtko, Christine R.
                Carrillo, Mary J.              Greenidge, Rimmon R.            Lanza, Sandra
                Carter, Stacey A.              Griesman, Patricia L.           Lee, Christina G.
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