Page 154 - JRCERT Organizational Reports
P. 154

Board of Directors

                                               2015-2016 JRCERT Board of Directors
                 Back Row: Susan R. Hatfield, Bette Schans, Laura Borghardt, Jason L. Scott, Loraine (Lorie) Zelna, Stephanie Eatmon
                                       Front Row: Darcy Wolfman , Laura S. Aaron, Tricia Leggett

            At the conclusion of the April 2016 meeting of the JRCERT Board, two Directors will complete their
            maximum six-year terms:  Darcy Wolfman, M.D., Secretary/Treasurer, and Susan Hatfield, Ph.D., the
            Board’s public member.  The dedication and commitment of these two individuals to the organization
            has been invaluable.  On behalf of the JRCERT Board and staff, I would like to sincerely thank Susan
            Hatfield and Darcy Wolfman for their tremendous service in support of programmatic accreditation
            and extend our wishes for continued success.

            The JRCERT staff would like to thank all 2015-2016 Board members for their unselfishly volunteered
            hard work and dedication in support of the highest standards of excellence for educational programs
            in the radiologic sciences.

                                               Leslie Winter, M.S., R.T.(R)
                                                  Chief Executive Officer

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