Page 178 - JRCERT Organizational Reports
P. 178

(Continued)                  RAD            RT            MR            MD             Total
               North Carolina                24             4             0             2               30
               North Dakota                    3            0             0             0                 3
               Ohio                          28             3             0             1               32
               Oklahoma                      13             1             0             1               15
               Oregon                          1            1             0             0                 2
               Pennsylvania                  33             3             1             1               38
               Puerto Rico                     4            0             0             0                 4
               Rhode Island                    2            0             1             0                 3
               South Carolina                12             0             0             0               12
               South Dakota                    6            0             0             0                 6
               Tennessee                      16            2             0             0               18
               Texas                          36            5             1             2               44
               Utah                             2           0             0             0                 2
               Vermont                          2           1             0             0                 3
               Virginia                       15            2             0             0               17
               Washington                       5           1             0             1                 7

               West Virginia                    9           1             1             0               11
               Wisconsin                      19            1             0             1               21
               Wyoming                          2           0             0             0                 2
                       TOTALS               616            75             7            17             715

                          Reported Program Effectiveness Data

               An annual report is required of all continuing programs.  This report reflects 2013 data reported
               by programs.  Programs received the annual report survey requests in April of 2014 and were
               required to respond by July 1, 2014 with program effectiveness data for their graduating class of
               2013.  All submitted information was reviewed for accuracy and, when necessary, any concerns
               were addressed in 2014 or early 2015 for programs with late graduation months.

                                          Average Annual        Five-Year Average        Five-year Average
                                              Program           Credentialing Exam      Job Placement Rate,
                                          Completion Rate         Pass Rate at 1          12 months Post-
                                                                Attempt Within Six          graduation
               Radiography                      80%                     94%                     89%
               Radiation Therapy                86%                     91%                     89%
               Magnetic Resonance               89%                     95%                     97%
               Medical Dosimetry                92%                     84%                     96%
   173   174   175   176   177   178   179   180   181   182   183