Page 205 - JRCERT Organizational Reports
P. 205

2013 – Number of Site Visits Conducted

                                                      Radiography = 47

                                                   Radiation Therapy = 7

                                                  Magnetic Resonance = 1

                                                   Medical Dosimetry = 1

                                                  Site Visitors

               The JRCERT recognizes those site visitors who participated in program evaluations conducted
               in 2013.  Our sincere thanks to each for supporting programmatic accreditation and the
               mission of the JRCERT.

                Aehle, Rose M.                    Garza, Rudy L.                    Peart, Olive
                Albrecht, Gloria A.               Giordano, Patricia J.             Perry, Mary Jo
                Anderson, Angela D.               Greathouse, Joanne S.             Peterson, Paulette A.
                Arnold, Angie S.                  Griesman, Patricia L.             Pickwick, Angela M.
                Bakel, Joanne S.                  Haynes, Kelli R.                  Pinnock, Megan B.
                Baker, Kristy M.                  Hembree, Clyde R.                 Powers, Karen M.
                Barger, Peter J.                  Hensley, Chad N.                  Richards-Bass, Suzieann
                Bartenhagan, Lisa                 Hirt, Janet K.                    Rideaux, Kameka L.
                Belinsky, Susan B.                Johnson, Bradley D.               Rigsby, Jennifer A.
                Bergman, Mary Jo                  Konn, Terry M.                    Roberts, Theresa
                Bicklein, Sheryl D.               Kowtko, Christine R.              Saia, Dorothy A.
                Bode, Alan J.                     Lanza, Sandra                     Sass, Jim
                Bower, Richard K.                 Lee, Pamela L.                    Schans, Bette A.
                Bozzuto, Victoria                 Legg, Lisa D.                     Schmidt, Lisa
                Brewer, Patricia A.               Leggett, Tricia D.                Scosyrev, Gleb
                Brewster, Frank J.                Leighty, Deborah R.               Shaver, Gary W.
                Brooks, Kacey A.                  Littleton, Laura J.               Slechta, Anita M.
                Butcher, Deanna L.                Luster, Vicki Jo                  Southern, Carol
                Button, Diane F.                  Martin, Pamela J.                 Sykes, William
                Caldwell, Shaun T.                Mason, Starla L.                  Tice, Gina C.
                Carrillo, Mary J.                 Matheaus, Allyson                 Trad, Megan L.
                Carter, Stacey A.                 McKinnies, Richard C.             Vogt, Steven L.
                Collins, Kevin                    Menser, Joy                       Weiss, Brandon C.
                Cranfill, Kellie S.               Misrati, Donna M.                 Weldon-Powell, Tara
                Dao, Jeffrey C.                   Moore, Sandra E.                  Wells, Michele
                Dougherty, Marsha J.              Moorman, Karen M.                 Whitley, Melissa A.
                Drago, Charles I.                 Morris, Sidney L.                 Whittington, Michelle S.
                Dunn, Kerry O.                    Muccio, Selina M.                 Wilcox, Angie L.
                Dunn, Matthew R.                  Nelhuebel, Robin M.               Williamson Ferguson, Annette
                Felipe, Elena M.                  Newton, Mary E.                   Zelna, Loraine D.
                Fleming, Kae Brock                Olejniczak, Stanley R.
                Floerchinger, Sherry M.           Pack, Don A.
                Fortsch, Peggy S.                 Pearson, Linda
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