Page 24 - JRCERT Organizational Reports
P. 24

Letter from the Chair

            The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) is the only agency recognized by
            the United States Department of Education (USDE) and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA)
            for the accreditation of traditional and distance delivery educational programs in radiography, radiation therapy,

            magnetic resonance, and medical dosimetry.  The JRCERT is responsible for assuring that educational programs in
            the radiologic sciences are providing quality education for their students and that the integrity of these programs is
            not compromised.
            Recognition  by  the  United  States  Department  of  Education  (USDE)  and  the  Council  for  Higher  Education
            Accreditation (CHEA) as the only programmatic accreditation agency for radiography, radiation therapy, medical
            dosimetry  and  magnetic  resonance  allows  us  to  demonstrate  our  responsibility  to  programs,  students,  and  the

            The central issues addressed in 2022 that promoted our core values were:
               •  Continued to address the COVID-19 pandemic throughout 2022.  Board meetings were held virtually,
                   and staff worked remotely to assure that the business of the organization was maintained.
               •  Continued utilizing hybrid site visits to ensure a timely accreditation process.  Hybrid site visits were
                   approved on a case-by-case basis.
               •  Continued to receive Interim Reports in a timely manner.

               •  Continued to review comments received from communities of interest in the Standards Committee and
                   voted during full board meetings regarding 2021 Standards.

               •  Continued to distribute the Pulse newsletter and conducted Town Hall meetings.
               •  Representation  of  the  JRCERT at  annual  conferences  such as  ACERT, ASRT,  AEIRS,  AHRA,  and
                   AAMD were performed, virtually when requested.
               •  Implemented  major  upgrades to the  AMS  Portal system in  2022  and  we  continue to  monitor  it  and
                   update small fixes as needed.
               •  Continued to create numerous modules and courses for our Learning Management System (LMS) for
                   program  support.  The  eLearning  course,  “Conducting  a  JRCERT  Site  Visit,”  was  approved  for
                   Category A 3.5 credits and is not part of the online Site Visitor professional development plan. The
                   module, “MR Safety and JRCERT Standards,” will be available April 2023. The Interim Report and the
                   Self-Study  modules  continue  to  be  utilized  by  programs  and  have  received  positive  feedback  from
                   programs and board members.  Interpreting the 2021 Standards module continues to be instrumental in
                   providing clarity for programs.
               •  Conducted all accreditation seminars, outcomes assessment workshops, and site visitor workshops both
                   virtually and face-to-face.
               •  Represented  the  JRCERT  virtually  with  Leslie  Winter  at  the  National  Advisory  Committee  on
                   Institutional Quality and Integrity (NACIQI) in February 2022 to successfully defend the petition and
                   received the maximum award of five years from the USDE
               •  Updated JRCERT policies on distance education regarding substantive changes for programs that wish
                   to offer four or more didactic courses via distance education and dosimetry programs that wish to offer
                   more  than  50%  of  their  total  clinical  clock  hours.  These  changes  require  programs  to  submit  a
                   substantive change request.

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