Page 4 - JRCERT Organizational Reports
P. 4

Letter from the Chair

            The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) is the only
            organization recognized by the United States Department of Education (USDE) and the Council for
            Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) for the accreditation of traditional and distance delivery

            educational programs in radiography, radiation therapy, magnetic resonance, and medical dosimetry.
            The JRCERT is responsible for assuring that educational programs in the radiologic sciences are
            providing quality education for their students and that the integrity of these programs is not


            Recognition by the USDE and CHEA as the only programmatic accreditation agency for radiography,
            radiation therapy, magnetic resonance, and medical dosimetry allows us to demonstrate our
            responsibility to programs, students, and the profession.
            The actions taken in 2023 that promoted our core values were:

               •  Submission of our petition to the Council for Higher Education Accreditation in September.
               •  Observed negotiated rule making webinars hosted by the U.S. Department of Education.
               •  Commitment to regular meetings with the Chief Executive Officers from the ARRT, ASRT, and
               •  Conducting accreditation seminars, outcomes assessments workshops, and site visitor
                   workshops both via webinars and face to face.
               •  Conducting board meetings both virtually and in-person.
               •  Publishing The Pulse and Peer2Peer.
               •  Hosting the first Town Hall meeting specifically for site visitors.
               •  Providing representation of the JRCERT at annual conferences for ACERT, ASRT, AEIRS,
                   AHRA, AAMD, and RTC.
               •  Continual review and processing of self-study, interim, and annual reports in a timely fashion.
               •  Developing eLearning plans in the LINK LMS platform for newly appointed site visitors and
                   program officials.
               •  Publishing MR Safety Module for Program Officials on our website.
               •  Creation of new eLearning modules, “Successfully Managing Change” and “An Overview of
                   JRCERT Policies and Procedures.”
               •  With assistance from an external consultant, revision of our strategic plan, mission, vision,
                   commitment to quality, and core values and incorporating language reflecting our commitment
                   to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
               •  Revision of several policies to include the following:
                       o  Policy 10.900 - Programs must notify the JRCERT for program interruption due to a
                          natural disaster or catastrophic event and provide an action plan for continuance for
                          student learning.
                       o  Policy 11.500 - Programs seeking initial accreditation require a five-year average
                          credentialing examination pass rate and job placement rate of at least 75%. If there is
                          less than five years of data, the program may receive only a two-year award with a
                          progress report.

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