Page 91 - JRCERT Organizational Reports
P. 91

2019 - Number of Site Visits Conducted

                                                                     2019       2018

                                        Radiography                    48        118

                                        Radiation Therapy              10         13
                                        Magnetic Resonance              4           4

                                        Medical Dosimetry               2           4

                                        Total                          64        139

                                                   Site Visitors

               The JRCERT recognizes those site visitors who participated in program evaluations conducted
               in 2019.  We offer sincere thanks to our site visitors for their dedication to the profession and
               continued support of programmatic accreditation and the mission of the JRCERT.

                Adams, Laurie                    Brzinski, Theodore A.             Garza, Joe A.
                Albrecht, Gloria A.              Buck, LuAnn                       Garza, Rudy L.
                Alexandre, Ellen E.              Butcher, Deanna L.                Giordano, Patricia J.

                Anderson-Stewart, Marilyn        Caldwell, Shaun T.                Greenidge, Rimmon R.
                Arnold, Angie S.                 Carrillo, Mary J.                 Harmon, Pamela L.
                Baker, Laura D.                  Collentine, Donna M.              Haugen, Kenya R.
                Barnum, Suellen                  Cook, Joy A.                      Haynes, Kelli Welch

                Benson, Kimberly R.              Cooper, Catherine M.              Hembree, Clyde R.
                Betz, D. Bradley                 Dehghanpour, Mahsa                Hicks, Joel M.
                Bicklein, Sheryl D.              DeRenzis, Linda J.                Holloway, Katherine M.
                Bode, Alan J.                    Dunn, Kerry O.                    Ionescu, Tuta

                Borghardt, Laura                 Eatmon, Stephanie                 Ivan, Elaine R.
                Bower, Richard K.                Farias, Raquel                    Jacobs, Jan M.
                Bowers, Angela T.                Fisseha, Assefa Z.                Keider, R. Charles
                Bozzuto, Victoria L.             Floerchinger, Sherry M.           Kelley, Carla J.

                Brewster, Frank J.               Fortsch, Peggy S.                 Ketchum, James Michael
                Brown, Jessica L.                Ganley, Christen M.               Koehler, Julie M.

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