Page 37 - JRCERT Peer 2 Peer Newsletters
P. 37

program was to submit all additional information from the Final Professional Staff
                                             Review Letter from the self-study report directly to the site visit team via email. Any
                                             outstanding    items will now be submitted back to the office via the Portal/AMS and
                                             reviewed by professional staff. A final letter will then be sent to the program and site visit
                                             team notating any outstanding documentation (e.g., affiliation agreements) and/or
                                             concerns  to be reviewed onsite.

                                         SITE VISITOR REAPPOINTMENT/INFORMATION:

                                         The JRCERT is no longer sending out reappointment letters on an annual basis. Instead, the
            “JRCERT policy               site visitor will retain this status consistent with Policy 90.300.
            requires the site            JRCERT policy requires the site visitor to attend a workshop face to face or online every three
                                         (3) years. The due date for the next site visitor workshop is now displayed on the Site Visitor
            visitor to attend            Information page in the AMS. The site visitor has a grace period of one (1) year post site
            a workshop face              visitor workshop due date before the individual will be removed from the site visitor database.
                                         Please note that you will not be assigned to a site visit during the one (1) year grace period.
            to face or online            Note this important date!
            every three (3)              In addition, on or after January 1 , site visitors will be required to annually complete the
            years.”                      Conflict of Interest/Confidentiality Agreement/JRCERT Commitment via the AMS. This is to
                                         be performed electronically on the Site Visitor Information page. Performing this function on
                                         an annual basis will confirm the site visitor is willing to adhere to the individual policies set
                                         forth by the JRCERT. Please use this opportunity to check that all personal information is
                                         accurate in the AMS.

                                         Site visitors may change the password in the AMS. Please do so for confidentiality reasons.
                                         Should there be any issues, please notify Paul Luhn, Information Technology Administrator,
                                         Please let us know how we are doing! Please email with any questions,
                                         comments, or ideas for the Peer2Peer newsletter or improvements to the site visitor process.
                                         Thank you for your support of programmatic accreditation!

                                         REAL ID COMPLIANCE
           “Starting October 1,          In 2005, the United States Congress   As of the writing of this article, 40 states,
           2020, every air               passed the Real ID Act.  This act “esta-  territories, and the District of Columbia
           traveler will need to         blishes minimum security standards for   have been determined by the Department
                                                                               of Homeland Security as compliant with
                                         license issuance and production and pro-
           present a REAL ID             hibits Federal agencies from accepting for   all REAL ID requirements.  The other 16
           compliant license/            certain purposes driver’s licenses and   jurisdictions are noncompliant, but have
           ID, or another ac-            identification cards from states not meet-  been granted temporary extensions to
                                                                               come into compliance.
                                         ing the Act’s minimum standards .”  This
           ceptable form of              includes identification for boarding feder-
           identification.”              ally regulated commercial aircraft.   Site visitors are strongly encouraged to
                                                                               review the Department of Homeland
                                         Starting October 1, 2020, every air travel-  Security webpage regarding the REAL ID
                                         er will need to present a REAL ID compli-  and to determine their state’s current level
                                         ant license/ID, or another acceptable   of compliance.
                                         form of identification.  The license/ID
                                         must be REAL ID compliant unless the   1:
                                         traveler is using an alternative acceptable   2:
                                         document such as a passport. 2
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