Page 33 - Radiation Therapy Flipbook
P. 33

Standard Four: Curriculum and Academic Practices

         4.2    The  program  provides  a  well-structured  curriculum  that  prepares  students
                to practice in the professional discipline.


         A well-structured curriculum must be comprehensive, current, appropriately sequenced, and provide for
         evaluation of student achievement. This allows for effective student learning by providing a knowledge
         foundation in didactic and laboratory courses prior to competency achievement. Continual refinement of
         the competencies achieved is necessary so that students can demonstrate enhanced performance in a
         variety of situations and patient conditions. The well-structured curriculum is guided by a master plan of
         At a minimum, the curriculum should promote qualities that are necessary for students/graduates to
         practice competently, make ethical decisions, assess situations, provide appropriate patient care,
         communicate effectively, and keep abreast of current advancements within the profession. Expansion of
         the curricular content beyond the minimum is required of programs at the bachelor’s degree or higher

         Use of a standard curriculum promotes consistency in radiation therapy education and prepares the
         student to practice in the professional discipline. All programs must follow a JRCERT-adopted curriculum.
         An adopted curriculum is defined as:

             •  the most recent American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) Radiation Therapy
                curriculum and/or
             •  another professional curriculum adopted by the JRCERT Board of Directors.

         The JRCERT encourages innovative approaches to curriculum delivery methods that provide students
         with flexible and creative learning opportunities. These methods may include, but are not limited to,
         distance education courses, part-time/evening curricular tracks, service learning, and/or interprofessional

         Required Program Response:

             •  Describe how the program’s curriculum is structured.
             •  Describe the program’s clinical competency-based system.
             •  Describe how the program's curriculum is delivered, including the method of delivery for
                distance education courses.  Identify which courses, if any, are offered via distance education.
             •  Describe alternative learning options, if applicable (e.g., part-time, evening and/or weekend
                curricular track(s)).
             •  Describe any innovative approaches to curriculum delivery methods.
             •  Provide the Table of Contents from the master plan of education.
             •  Provide current curriculum analysis grid.
             •  Provide samples of course syllabi.
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