Page 46 - Radiation Therapy Flipbook
P. 46

Standard Five: Health and Safety

                    5.1    The program assures the radiation safety of students through the
                           implementation of published policies and procedures.

                    Appropriate policies and procedures help assure that student radiation exposure is kept as low as
                    reasonably achievable (ALARA). The program must monitor and maintain student radiation exposure
                    data. All students must be monitored for radiation exposure when using equipment in energized
                    laboratories as well as in the clinical environment during, but not limited to, simulation procedures,
                    image production, or quality assurance testing.
                    Students must be provided their radiation exposure report within thirty (30) school days following
                    receipt of the data. The program must have a published protocol that identifies a threshold dose for
                    incidents in which student dose limits are exceeded. Programs are encouraged to identify a threshold
                    dose below those identified in federal regulations.

                    The program’s radiation safety policies must also include provisions for the declared pregnant student in
                    an effort to assure radiation exposure to the student and fetus are kept as low as reasonably achievable
                    (ALARA). The pregnancy policy must be made known to accepted and enrolled female students, and

                        •  a written notice of voluntary declaration,

                        •  an option for written withdrawal of declaration, and
                        •  an option for student continuance in the program without modification.

                    The program may offer clinical component options such as clinical reassignments and/or leave of
                    absence. Pregnancy policies should also be in compliance with Title IX regulations. The program should
                    work with the Title IX coordinator and/or legal counsel to discuss and resolve any specific circumstances.

                    Required Program Response:

                        •  Describe how the policies and procedures are made known to enrolled students.
                        •  Describe how the radiation exposure report is made available to students.
                        •  Provide copies of appropriate policies.
                        •  Provide copies of radiation exposure reports.

                    Possible Site Visitor Evaluation Methods:
                        •  Review of published program materials
                        •  Review of student records

                        •  Review of student radiation exposure reports
                        •  Interviews with faculty
                        •  Interviews with clinical preceptor(s)
                        •  Interviews with students
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