Page 55 - Radiation Therapy Flipbook
P. 55

Standard Six: Programmatic Effectiveness and Assessment:

                       Using Data for Sustained Improvement

         6.2    The program analyzes and shares its program effectiveness data to facilitate
                ongoing program improvement.

         Analysis of program effectiveness data allows the program to determine if it is meeting its mission.  This
         analysis also provides a means of accountability to faculty, students, and other communities of interest.
         Faculty should assure all data have been analyzed and discussed prior to sharing results with an
         assessment committee or other communities of interest.  Sharing the program effectiveness data results
         should take place in a timely manner.

         Programs must use assessment results to promote student success and maintain and improve program
         effectiveness outcomes.  Analysis of program effectiveness data must occur at least annually, and results
         of the evidence-based decisions must be documented.

         In sum, the data analysis process must, at a minimum, include:

            •  Program effectiveness data that is compared to expected achievement; and
            •  Documentation of discussion(s) of data analysis including trending/comparing of results over time
                to maintain and improve student learning.
                    If the program does not meet its benchmark for a specific program effectiveness outcome,
                     the program must implement an action plan that identifies the issue/problem, allows for
                     data trending, and identifies areas for improvement.  The action plan must be reassessed
                     annually until the performance concern(s) is/are appropriately addressed.

         Required Program Response:

            •  Describe examples of evidence-based changes that have resulted from the analysis of program
                effectiveness data and discuss how these changes have maintained or improved program
                effectiveness outcomes.
            •  Provide actual program effectiveness data since the last accreditation award.
            •  Provide documentation of an action plan for any unmet benchmarks.

            •  Provide documentation that program effectiveness data is shared in a timely manner.

         Possible Site Visitor Evaluation Methods:

            •  Review of aggregated data
            •  Review of data analysis and actions taken
            •  Review of documentation that demonstrates the sharing of results with communities of interest

            •  Review of representative samples of measurement tools used for data collection
            •  Interviews with faculty
            •  Interview with institutional assessment coordinator, if applicable
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