Page 88 - Radiation Therapy Flipbook
P. 88

Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology
                                                                                         20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 2850
                                                                                               Chicago, IL  60606-3182

                                 CONTINGENCY PLAN GUIDELINES

            Goal:  To create an effective contingency plan that provides continuity of student learning, while
            sustaining the mission, vision, and values of the program during a catastrophic event.

               1.  Preparing a Contingency Plan

                   A. Identify aspects of the program that may need to be adjusted in response to a catastrophic event including, but
                       not limited to, the physical location of the campus, classroom(s), laboratory/ies, faculty offices, student services,
                       and clinical setting access.
                   B. Determine how communication will occur during the catastrophic event and maintain updated contact
                       information for all faculty (including administration), students, clinical preceptors, and clinical settings.
                   C. Determine the physical resources that will be needed (i.e., computer access, Wi-Fi, etc.) and the availability of
                       these resources to faculty and students during a catastrophic event.
                          a.  Identify the resources (e.g., Zoom, WebEx, Google docs, etc.) that will be utilized for didactic
                              instruction in the event of disruption.
                          b.  Provide faculty training on the identified resources to maintain FERPA in a virtual environment.
                          c.  Prepare instructions for use by faculty and students if these resources are not currently being utilized
                              by the program to allow for a seamless transition.

               2.  Implementing a Contingency Plan
                   A. Assess the situation and determine what aspects of the program will be impacted and communicate the
                       sponsoring institution’s/program’s response.
                          a.  Determine what equipment faculty/students will need in response to the catastrophe and how the
                              equipment will be obtained and distributed (i.e., PPE).
                   B. Communicate the activation of the contingency plan to the appropriate individuals.
                          a.  Assure sponsoring institution resources and students services are available and accessible to students.
                              Provide updates if access and/or location have changed.
                   C. Didactic and Clinical Courses
                          a.  Alter schedules, as needed, to accommodate for the catastrophic event. Options include but are not
                              limited to altering the didactic/clinical course schedule depending on the type of catastrophic event,
                              and front-loading didactic course work if the clinical setting(s) are unavailable. Provide access to other
                              virtual resources, which may include Skype and Google docs.
                          b.  Provide alternate innovative learning options for students to include but not limited to virtual clinical
                              simulations, case study analysis, and virtual tours of the clinical experience.

               3.  Program Leadership/Administration

                   A. Maintain communication with the sponsoring institution, state and regulatory agencies, and accreditors during
                       the catastrophic event.
                   B. Maintain regular communication with faculty and students regarding the status of the catastrophic event.
                   C. Communicate any deviation(s) from the prepared contingency plan.
                   D. Seek feedback from communities of interest regarding the contingency plan.
                    E. Make adjustments to the contingency plan, as needed, to assure appropriate program operations.
                    F. Provide state/federal emergency websites and hotlines for faculty and students.
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