Page 59 - Radiography Flipbook
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Example Assessment Plan Bachelor’s Level- Communication Goal

         Goal 1– Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively.
         Student            Measurement          Timeframe –     Benchmark            Actual Data    Past 3 – 5 years
         Learning           Tools –              A formative     Should be a score    Results        of Data Results –
         Outcomes           A minimum of 2       measure used    above passing.       Include the    Identify each
                            measuring            (while students   Examples are:      number of      year’s results
                            tools/assessment     are in the first   A percentage score,    students   separately for
                            methods per student   year of the    A score based on a   evaluated      comparison
                            learning outcome is   program), and a   scale, such as a Likert          purposes.
                            required.            summative       score (include the
                                                 measure used    scale)
                                                 (when students
                                                 are close to
                                                 and/or graduates)
                                                 is recommended
                                                 for best practices.
         1.1 Students will   RADT 225            Program         100% of students     n= 21          2020: 3.95
         communicate                             Semester 2      will receive a 4 out   mean: 3.95     2019: 3.76
         effectively as a   Clinical Preceptor                   of 5 or higher       range: 2.0 –   2018: 3.85
         part of the        Evaluation                                                5.0            2017: 4.19
         healthcare team.   (Question #9 –                                                           2016: 3.55
                            Patient                                                   2.0= 1
                            Communication)                                            3.0= 3
                                                                                      4.0= 13
                                                                                      5.0= 4
                            RADT 333             Program         100% of students     n= 18          2020: 9.4
                                                 Semester 4      will receive at least 8  mean: 9.4   2019: 8.9
                            Interprofessional                    out of 10 or higher   range: 8-10   2018: 8.2
                            Lab Simulation
                            Rubric                                                    8= 2
                            (Question #3)                                             9= 7
                                                                                      10= 9
         1.2 Students will   RADT 350            Program         100% of students     n= 18          2020: 84.1
         demonstrate the                         Semester 3      will receive a score   mean: 84.1   2019: 82.9
         ability to         Research Paper                       of 85 or better      range: 72-98   2018: 77.6
         communicate                                                                                 2017: 78.7
         through written                                                              5 students     2016: 79.0
         correspondence                                                               scored under
         pertaining to                                                                an 85
         healthcare.                                                                  (72, 77, 80,
                                                                                      81, 84)
                            RADT 412             Program         100% of students     n= 18          2020: 88.4
                                                 Semester 4      will receive a score   mean: 88.4   2019: 88.1
                            Case Study                           of 85 or better      range: 82-100 2   2018: 82.3
                            Management Project                                        students scored   2017: 85.4
                                                                                      under 85 (78 &   2016: 81.9

         Student Learning Outcome 1.1
         Analysis: The results of the 1.1 SLO is showing that our students have strong communication skills. 17 out of 21
         students in the class received an “above average” or “excellent” rating on their Clinical Preceptor Evaluation regarding
         patient communication for Clinic II. 3 students received a rating of “average” and one student received a rating of “below
         average.” The goal was 4.0 and the class as a whole scored an average of 3.95. This is the student’s second semester of
         being in clinic, and the student’s ability to communicate is expected to continually increase as they progress through the
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