Page 85 - Radiography Flipbook
P. 85

Magnetic Resonance Screening Form for Students

        Magnetic resonance (MR) is a medical imaging system in the radiology department that uses a magnetic field and radio waves.
            This magnetic field could potentially be hazardous to students entering the environment if they have specific metallic,
        electronic, magnetic, and/or mechanical devices.  Because of this, students must be screened to identify any potential hazards
                          of entering the magnetic resonance environment before beginning clinical rotations.

           Pregnancy Notice: The declared pregnant student who continues to work in and around the MR environment should not
                        remain within the MR scanner room or Zone IV during actual data acquisition or scanning.
                          Name: _______________________________________  Date: ________________

                                                                                         Circle Yes or No
                    1.  Have you had prior surgery or an operation of any kind?         Yes          No
                         If yes to question 1, please indicate the date and type of surgery:
                                   Date: __________         Surgery Type: ________________________
                    2.  Have you had an injury to the eye involving a metallic object (e.g.  Yes     No
                        metallic slivers, foreign body)?
                                If yes to question 2, please describe: _______________________________
                    3.  Have you ever been injured by a metallic object or foreign body (e.g.,  Yes   No
                        BB, bullet, shrapnel, etc.)?
                               If yes to question 3, please describe: ________________________________
                                           Please indicate if you have any of the following:
                                                                   Aneurysm clip(s)     Yes          No
                                                                 Cardiac pacemaker      Yes          No
                                                Implanted cardioverter defibrillator (ICD)   Yes     No
                                                          Electronic implant or device   Yes         No
                                                Magnetically-activated implant or device   Yes       No
                                                             Neurostimulator system     Yes          No
                                                               Spinal cord stimulator   Yes          No
                                               Cochlear implant or implanted hearing aid   Yes       No
                                                             Insulin or infusion pump   Yes          No
                                                        Implanted drug infusion device   Yes         No
                                                      Any type of prosthesis or implant   Yes        No
                                                           Artificial or prosthetic limb   Yes       No
                                                  Any metallic fragment or foreign body   Yes        No
                                                 Any external or internal metallic object   Yes      No
                                                                        Hearing aid     Yes          No
                                                       Other device: _______________    Yes          No
            I attest that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the entire
            contents of this form and have had the opportunity to ask questions regarding the information on this form. Should any
            of this information change, I will inform my program director.

            Signature of Person Completing Form: _____________________________________Date _____/_____/_____

                  The student has not identified any contraindications to entering MR Zone III or IV.
                  The student has identified contraindications to entering MR Zones III and IV. The student has been advised not to progress past MR
            Zone II unless screened by an MR Level II Technologist onsite at each clinical setting.
            Form Information Reviewed By: _____________________    _____________________     __________________   ____________
                                        Print name                                         Signature                                            Title   Student Initials

                      This form is provided by the JRCERT as a resource for programs. Programs are encouraged to personalize the form prior to use.
                                             Remember: The magnet is always on!
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