Page 23 - Radiography Flipbook
P. 23

Standard Three: Faculty and Staff

                   3.3   Cont’d from previous page                  Clinical Coordinator
                                                                        •   Correlating and coordinating clinical education
                   Program Director                                         with didactic education and evaluating its
                       •   Assuring effective program operations            effectiveness

                       •   Overseeing ongoing program accreditation     •   Participating in didactic and/or clinical
                           and assessment processes                         instruction
                       •   Participating in budget planning             •   Supporting the program director to assure
                       •   Participating in didactic and/or clinical        effective program operations
                           instruction, as appropriate                  •   Participating in the accreditation and
                       •   Maintaining current knowledge of the             assessment processes
                           professional discipline and educational      •   Maintaining current knowledge of the
                           methodologies through continuing professional
                           development                                      professional discipline and educational
                                                                            methodologies through continuing professional
                       •   Assuming the leadership role in the continued    development
                           development of the program
                                                                        •   Maintaining current knowledge of program
                   Full-Time Didactic Faculty                               policies, procedures, and student progress

                       •   Preparing and maintaining course outlines and   Clinical Preceptor
                           objectives, instructing, and evaluating student
                           progress                                     •   Maintaining knowledge of program mission
                       •   Participating in the accreditation and           and goals
                           assessment process                           •   Understanding the clinical objectives and
                       •   Supporting the program director to assure        clinical evaluation system and evaluating
                           effective program operations                     students’ clinical competence
                       •   Participating in periodic review and revision of   •   Providing students with clinical instruction and
                           course materials                                 supervision
                       •   Maintaining current knowledge of professional   •   Participating in the assessment process, as
                           discipline                                       appropriate
                       •   Maintaining appropriate expertise and        •   Maintaining current knowledge of program
                           competence through continuing professional       policies, procedures, and student progress and
                                                                            monitoring and enforcing program policies and
                   Adjunct Faculty                                          procedures
                       •   Preparing and maintaining course outlines and   Clinical Staff
                           objectives, instructing and evaluating students,
                           and reporting progress                       •   Understanding the clinical competency system
                       •   Participating in the assessment process, as   •   Understanding requirements for student
                           appropriate                                      supervision
                       •   Participating in periodic review and revision of   •   Evaluating students’ clinical competence, as
                           course materials                                 appropriate
                       •   Maintaining current knowledge of the         •   Supporting the educational process
                           professional discipline, as appropriate
                       •   Maintaining appropriate expertise and        •   Maintaining current knowledge of program
                           competence through continuing professional       clinical policies, procedures, and student
                           development                                      progress
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