Page 47 - Radiography Flipbook
P. 47

Standard Six: Programmatic Effectiveness and Assessment:

                                  Using Data for Sustained Improvement

                    6.3   The program has a systematic assessment plan that facilitates ongoing
                           program improvement.


                    A formalized written assessment plan allows programs to gather useful data to measure the goals and
                    student learning outcomes to facilitate program improvement.  Student learning outcomes must align
                    with the goals and be explicit, measurable, and state the learning expectations.  The development of
                    goals and student learning outcomes allows the program to measure the attainment of its mission.  It is
                    important for the program to engage faculty and other communities of interest in the development or
                    revision of its goals and student learning outcomes.

                    The program must have a written systematic assessment plan that, at a minimum, contains:

                       •  Goals in relation to clinical competency, communication, and critical thinking;
                       •  Two student learning outcomes per goal;
                       •  Two assessment tools per student learning outcome;
                       •  Benchmarks for each assessment method to determine level of achievement; and
                       •  Timeframes for data collection.

                    Programs may consider including additional goals in relation to ethical principles, interpersonal skills,
                    professionalism, etc.

                    Programs at the bachelor’s and higher degree levels should consider the additional professional content
                    when developing their goals and student learning outcomes.

                    The program must also assess graduate and employer satisfaction.  Graduate and employer satisfaction
                    may be measured through a variety of methods.  The methods and timeframes for collection of the
                    graduate and employer satisfaction data are the prerogatives of the program.

                    Required Program Response:

                       •  Describe how the program determined the goals and student learning outcomes to be included
                           in the systematic assessment plan.
                       •  Describe the program’s cycle of assessment.
                       •  Describe how the program uses feedback from communities of interest in the development of its
                           assessment plan.
                       •  Provide a copy of the program’s current assessment plan.

                    Possible Site Visitor Evaluation Methods:

                       •  Review of assessment plan
                       •  Review of assessment methods
                       •  Interviews with faculty
                       •  Interview with institutional assessment coordinator, if applicable
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