Page 83 - Radiography Flipbook
P. 83

Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology
                                                                                         20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 2850
                                                                                               Chicago, IL  60606-3182

               Position Statement on Breast Imaging Clinical Rotations

                             Adopted by the JRCERT Board of Directors (October 2021)

                The JRCERT Board of Directors has received numerous inquiries to update and generalize the language in the
                Position Statement on Breast Imaging Clinical Rotations.

                With regard to breast imaging, the JRCERT has determined programs must make every effort to place
                students in a breast imaging clinical rotation/procedure if requested and available. However, programs
                will not be expected to attempt to supersede clinical site policies that restrict breast imaging rotations/
                procedures to students. Students should be advised that placement in a breast imaging rotation is not

                The JRCERT reiterates that it is the responsibility of each clinical site to address any legal challenges
                related to a program’s inability to place students in a breast imaging rotation. All students should be
                informed and educated about the various employment opportunities and potential barriers that may
                affect their ability to work in a particular clinical staff position.

         The JRCERT promotes excellence in education and elevates the quality and safety of patient care through the accreditation of educational programs
                                 in radiography, radiation therapy, magnetic resonance, and medical dosimetry.
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