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          Creating Transparency in Radiologic Science

          Programs: The 3-Part Student Learning


          Julie Lasley, PhD, R.T.(R)(T)

                 reating transparency in radiologic science pro-  the student will be evaluated.  In addition, well-written
                 grams does not involve the purchase of high-  learning outcomes address what a student should know
                 dollar technology, the creation of a flipped   and be able to do at the conclusion of a course, unlike
          Cclassroom, or the development of online           the more teacher-centered approach that describes the
          course delivery. Transparency involves writing mean-  students’ learning experiences throughout a course.
          ingful student learning outcomes that describe a behav-  Well-written learning outcomes are measurable
          ior, a condition, and a criterion.  Students should be able   and characterized by action verbs associated with the
          to turn the learning outcome into a student-centered   students’ levels of learning. It is not always necessary to
          statement of I can. Creating transparency in radiologic   use higher-order action verbs (eg, analyze, synthesize,
          science programs involves developing a curriculum   and evaluate) in the early course work. For example,
          whereby radiography, radiation therapy, magnetic reso-  foundational or introductory courses in radiologic sci-
          nance, and medical dosimetry students know :       ence programs usually are designed for the new learner
                ƒ Why they are being asked to do a particular  to begin building a knowledge base. New learners need
               assignment.                                   to be able to exhibit that they have learned the course
                ƒ What they need to do.                      material by identifying, labeling, or listing the concepts
                ƒ How they will be assessed.                 presented in the material. As students progress through
          When students comprehend the rationale behind      the program and continue to develop their knowledge
          assignments and how they will be evaluated, they feel   base, comprehension skills, and application skills, fac-
          as though they have mastered the art of learning how   ulty can progress through Bloom’s 1956 taxonomy and
          to learn. Students become more confident academi-  classification system using increasing levels of cognitive
          cally and see themselves becoming quality health care   behaviors with action verbs to describe student learn-
          practitioners. Including clear and measurable learning   ing. 1,4
          outcomes on course syllabi can become the fulcrum     A learning outcome on a course syllabus provides a
          for student learning and program improvement on the   clear statement of what is expected, while focusing on a
          assessment plan.                                   measurable performance and making a clear statement
                                                             of intended learning.  For example, a clear and measur-
          Clear, Measurable Learning Outcomes                able learning outcome in a medical radiography course
            Well-written learning outcomes serve 2 purposes:   might be: Given a radiograph of the pelvis, the learner will
          to guide the development of the lesson and to plan how   identify bony anatomy with 100% accuracy. Students will

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, January/February 2018, Volume 89, Number 3                               309
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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