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          Curriculum Mapping:

          Aligning Content and Design

          Tracy Herrmann, PhD, R.T.(R)
          Tricia Leggett, DHEd, R.T.(R)(QM), FASRT

          A                                                  the inclusion of this content; however, the inclusion of
                  curriculum map provides a visual representa-
                                                             the content does not ensure that the curriculum is well-
                  tion and analysis of the relationship between
                  program courses and student learning out-
                                                             structured as required by the JRCERT.  Curriculum
                  comes (SLOs). The mapping process is an
                                                             tion for assessing and developing a well-structured
          effective tool for ensuring that the program’s SLOs, cur-  mapping is a best practice technique in higher educa-
          riculum content, and structure are aligned. The devel-  curriculum. 6
          opment of a curriculum map is an important step to
          ensuring continuous program improvement.           Curriculum Mapping
                                                                A curriculum map can be simple, incorporating pro-
          Curriculum Design                                  gram outcomes and courses only, or detailed to include
            A program’s curriculum affects the level of stu-  variables such as program courses and goals, methods
          dent success on the American Registry of Radiologic   of instruction, and assessment tools. The level of detail
          Technologists credentialing exam and in professional   and specificity is determined by each institution’s
          practice. The curriculum content and design should   requirements. 7
          be reviewed regularly to ensure it is comprehensive,   The mapping process supports decision-making for
          well-structured, and reflective of current practices.   improvement of courses and refinement of goals and
          Faculty should consider how and where learning and   expectations.  An added benefit is that it fosters faculty
          assessments occur throughout the curriculum to ensure   collaboration and develops a sense of community, com-
          important topics, such as clinical competence, profes-  munication, and coordination.  Curriculum mapping
          sionalism, and cultural competency, are included. 1-3  makes the curriculum more transparent to stakeholders
            Faculty can develop curricular design and con-   and supports decisions for continuous quality improve-
          tent through review processes based on institutional   ment. 8,10
          and national sources. Joint Review Committee on
          Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT)–       Map Development
          accredited programs must adhere to a nationally       Curriculum maps ensure alignment and continuity
          recognized curricula such as those developed and   throughout the program, from program goals and SLOs
          adopted by the American Society of Radiologic      to course outcomes and assessment of student learning.
          Technologists. Programs accredited by the JRCERT   When striving for alignment, it is critical to start with
          must document the location of the national curriculum   the end in mind, a design method known as backward
          content specifications by completing a curriculum   design.  The most important difference between stan-
          analysis grid.  The curriculum must support students’   dard and backward course design is who is at the center
          attainment of specific professional knowledge to ensure   of the design. The standard method puts the faculty
          they pass the national credentialing exam.         member and his or her process in course development
            Program curriculum must contain all elements of the   at the center, whereas the backward method features
          professional curriculum and certification exam specifi-  the student at the center and lists steps for meeting his
          cations. The JRCERT curriculum analysis grid ensures   or her learning needs. To begin the mapping process,

          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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