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          pandemic was availability of the COVID-19 vaccines   messages of support for vaccines.  The World Bank
          for radiologic science professionals. In December 2020,   found that approximately 33% of health care workers
          the American Society of Radiologic Technologists con-  are vaccine hesitant; this is consistent with vaccine
          tacted officials in each state to advocate for including   hesitancy in the general population (37%).  Vaccine
          radiologic technologists in the first phase of COVID-19   hesitancy also has been prevalent among health care
          vaccinations, highlighting the range of care and diag-  workers from minority groups, thereby affecting the
          nostic effect of these professionals in a variety of health   populations they serve.  This causes concern because
          care settings.  COVID-19 vaccines are now readily   hesitancy among health workers might affect hesi-
          available for all U.S. health care workers. However,   tancy in the public because of a lack of role modeling.
          access to COVID-19 vaccines continues to be a global   Therefore, vaccine hesitancy must be addressed to
          health concern and an issue of equity, especially in low-  improve vaccination rates and public health outcomes. 37
          income countries. 31                                  Compliance with vaccine policies at health care
            Concerns regarding the safety of vaccines are not   institutions has been another challenge related to
          new. For example, since the 1990s, concerns have been   COVID-19 and other communicable diseases. Vaccine
          raised that the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vac-  resistance in health care workers has continued as
          cine caused autism spectrum disorders.  However, the   institutions and their workers debate how to enforce
          WHO and other scientists have identified this as a myth   vaccine policies.  Mandatory vaccine policies also have
          with no evidence of a link between the 2.  They fur-  led to health care workers and unions filing lawsuits
          ther indicated that the initial study was flawed and has   against employers.  In the United Kingdom, the debate
          been retracted. The WHO recently has highlighted the   included those who were concerned that unvaccinated
          importance of sharing only valid, scientific data on vac-  staff were much more likely to transmit the disease,
          cines.  The continuation of research to lessen fears that   and patients who were concerned about being treated
          could prevent life-saving vaccination is important.  by unvaccinated staff. 39,40  Conversely, concerns were
            Concerns about safety also apply to the COVID-19   expressed about the consequences of denying bodily
          vaccine, including concerns specifically related to   autonomy for health care workers who do not want to
          mRNA vaccine technology. Although there are com-   be immunized and the potential long-term effect on
          mon adverse effects after taking the COVID-19 vaccine,   staffing.  Some argue that testing is a better way to pre-
          severe allergic reactions are rare. These severe reactions   vent infections than is vaccination.  These compliance
          include difficulty breathing, wheezing, hypotension,   issues create concerns about safety and workforce needs
          swelling of the tongue or throat, and a rash or hives.    and continue to be considered at the institutional and
          Myocarditis or pericarditis has occurred in a small   state levels.
          number of people who received the COVID-19 mRNA
          vaccine, most prominently in younger populations,   Global Perspectives on Vaccines
          especially men aged 18 to 25 years.  However, the ben-  Global health is “an area for study, research, and
          efits of the vaccine, including lessening the effects of the   practice that places a priority on improving health and
          COVID-19 pandemic, have outweighed the risks.      achieving equity in health for all people worldwide.”
            Vaccine hesitancy is another area of concern, includ-  In addition, global health includes “health problems,
          ing among health care workers.  Vaccine hesitancy   issues, and concerns that transcend national boundaries,
          occurs when individuals are not comfortable with and   that may be influenced by circumstances or experiences
          delay getting vaccinations. This has been a promi-  in other countries and are best addressed by coopera-
          nent concern in the fight against COVID-19 and can   tive actions and solutions.”  Global health is important
          be affected by individuals who have safety concerns,   because many communicable diseases are not confined
          lack general knowledge about vaccines, and distrust   by geopolitical boundaries as the world becomes more
          institutions advocating for vaccines, including the   globalized.  Global health affects people’s health world-
          government. Health care workers can help by sharing   wide, nationally, and locally. Worldwide vaccinations

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, March/April 2023, Volume 94, Number 4                                    311
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2023. All rights reserved.
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