Page 24 - JRCERT Update Articles
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          Contingency Planning

          Leslie Winter, MS, R.T.(R)

                      hile organizations and individuals might   addresses any type of catastrophic event that could
                      rarely expect a crisis to occur, having a   affect student learning and program operations.
                      backup plan in place is best practice.   Although the contingency plan does not need to be
          WOrganizations use contingency plans to            made readily available to the public, program faculty
          return to daily operations as soon as possible by pro-  should be made aware of the contingency plan. 3
          tecting resources, minimizing customer inconvenience,   Contingency planning is a component of risk man-
          and assigning staff specific recovery responsibilities   agement, strategic and succession planning, so how
          after an unexpected event.  Unforeseen events have    does a program develop a contingency plan and assure
          varied from natural disasters to cyberattacks to most   it is ready for some unforeseen event? Many programs
          recently, the Covid-19 pandemic, which has prompted   might have an outline or template provided by their
          institutions of higher education and educational    sponsoring institution; however, if this is not the case,
          programs to review, revise, or perhaps develop their   general steps can be taken to develop and implement a
          contingency plan.                                  contingency plan (see Figure).
            A contingency plan is a roadmap created by
          management to help an organization respond to an   Plan Development and Implementation
          event that might or might not happen in the future.   2  With all program faculty and administrators,
          The Joint Review Committee on Education in         brainstorm possible risks, such as natural disasters,
          Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) Standards for an    data breeches, or even a pandemic, that could affect
          Accredited Educational Program (2021) require      program operations. Next, programs should ascertain
          programs to possess and maintain a contingency plan.   how operations might be affected and alternate modes
          Standard 1, Objective 1.1 states, “The sponsoring    that could be implemented so the educational process
          institution and program provide students, faculty, and   can still function as close to normal as possible. In these
          the public with policies, procedures, and relevant    discussions, communication and resources are crucial
          information. Policies and procedures must be fair,   components that need to be incorporated. How will the
          equitably applied, and readily available.”  In addi-  program communicate with various communities of
          tion, programs must develop a contingency plan that   interest, such as program officials, students, or clinical

                IDENTIFY        PRIORTIZE                                      TEST AND
               • Natural disaster  • Based on potential risk  • Identify  • Individuals  • Conduct trial run remotely  • Review periodically
              • Technology breech  • Develop various action  • Gather  • Gather  • Ensure all program   • Revise based on
                                                                                              “lessons learned”
                                                                             o cials and faculty
                • Pandemic    plans based on risk  • Training   • Training

          Figure 4. General steps in development and implementation of a contingency plan

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, May/June 2022, Volume 93, Number 3                                         1
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