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          50 Years of Quality at JRCERT

          Leslie Winter, MS, R.T.(R)

                stablished in 1969, the Joint Review Committee on
                Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) is
                the only organization recognized by the U.S.
         E Department of Education and the Council for
          Higher Education Accreditation to accredit traditional and
          distance delivery educational programs in radiography,
          radiation therapy, magnetic resonance, and medical
          dosimetry. During the past several decades, JRCERT
          has proven to be the gold standard of accreditation for
          radiologic science educational programs, and currently
          accredits more than 700 programs.
            JRCERT marked a half-century of ensuring quality
          in the profession with its 50th Anniversary Excellence
          in Education Conference at the Blackstone Hotel in
          Chicago, November 4-5, 2019. Chief Executive Officer
          Leslie Winter, MS, R.T.(R), kicked off the conference
          by welcoming the more than 270 attendees, represent-
          ing many fields in the radiologic sciences, who traveled
          from across the country to attend. American Society
          of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) Chairman of the
          Board Melissa Jackowski, EdD, R.T.(R)(M), FASRT,
          who attended the conference on behalf of the Society,
          delivered her remarks then presented an award to
          Winter to honor JRCERT’s milestone year and to     Figure. Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic
          recognize ASRT’s ongoing partnership with the orga-  Technology’s (JRCERT) Chief Executive Officer Leslie Winter, MS,
          nization (see Figure). Keynote speaker Laura Aaron,   R.T.(R) (left) and American Society of Radiologic Technologists
                                                             Chairman of the Board Melissa Jackowski, EdD, R.T.(R)(M),
          PhD, R.T.(R)(M)(QM), cued up the conference’s      FASRT, (right) celebrating JRCERT’s 50th anniversary.
          education focus with her presentation on strategies   Photo courtesy of the author.
          for becoming an effective educator. That evening, the
          JRCERT team hosted a cocktail hour reception for
          attendees at their offices in the Civic Opera Building.   current and former board members, site visitors, program
          During the 2-day conference, attendees listened to 14   directors, clinical coordinators, administrators, faculty
          national presenters, who represented many areas of the   members, and clinical instructors. Feedback obtained
          radiologic sciences.                               after the conference was overwhelmingly positive.
            JRCERT sincerely thanks the speakers for sharing    JRCERT also would like to commend ASRT for its
          their expertise and everyone who attended, including   100 years of commitment to the profession and for its

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, March/April 2020, Volume 91, Number 4                                    389
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2020. All rights reserved.
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