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          identified. For example, if students were assigned a   Box 1
          research paper, the rubric would address factors such   Steps in Developing a Rubric
          as the number of references used, whether they were   ƒ  Define purpose of assignment or assessment.
          applied appropriately in paraphrases and quotes, and   ƒ  Determine whether the rubric should be holistic or analytic.
          whether the citations were properly formatted.
                                                              ƒ  Define the criterion.
                                                              ƒ  Determine the rating scale.
          Rubric Benefits                                     ƒ  Write descriptors for each level of the rating scale.
            The holistic rubric scoring method provides expedited   ƒ  Trial the rubric on sample work.
          grading, yet this single score might not provide clear   ƒ  Reflect and revise the rubric as necessary.
          information about where or how students can improve.
          In contrast, the analytical rubric provides a focused   Box 2
          and detailed assessment of each criterion, which offers   Suggestions for Rubric Development
          students feedback about their strengths and weaknesses
          on each component.  An example of an analytical rubric   ƒ  Base criterion on student learning outcomes.
                                                              ƒ  Limit rating scales to 3 to 5 quantifiers.
          component is the use of a point scale to grade compre-  ƒ  Solicit student and colleague feedback.
          hension of directions for writing research papers, which   ƒ  Ensure clarity, especially if multiple individuals will be
          requires applying numerous citations. A student who   applying the rubric.
          submits a paper and follows the directions by using 3 ref-  ƒ  Provide training in application to increase inter-rater reliability.
          erences and paraphrasing from other sources will receive   ƒ  Review and revise periodically.
          more points than a student who uses 1 reference and pro-
          vides direct quotes rather than paraphrasing the material.  Table 1
            Using holistic or analytical rubrics can provide   Template for Holistic Rubric
          students with effective feedback and aid in providing   Criterion Rating
          comprehension and acceptable performance for given   Scale Level  Performance Descriptors
          tasks.  Providing rubrics before the assignment enables   1       Descriptor of performance at level 1
          students to better understand how their performance
          will meet each criterion for the tasks or assignments,   2        Descriptor of performance at level 2
          which allows them to take steps to ensure the quality of   3      Descriptor of performance at level 3
          their work. Rubrics are formative assessment tools, pro-
          vide constructive feedback for students to identify areas   Before creating a rubric, faculty should determine
          that need improvement, and provide equitable, fair, and   the purpose of the assignment (see Box 2). To deter-
          transparent grades. 3                              mine the purpose and whether the holistic or analytical
                                                             rubric approach is more appropriate, instructors should
          Developing a Rubric                                consider the following questions:
            Rubric construction requires reflection and col-       ƒ Will the rubric measure students’ progress on a
          laboration and provides students with feedback and      learning objective?
          measures student learning (see Box 1). Rubrics can be     ƒ Will the rubric assess a capstone project that
          created with pencil and paper or electronically. Two    evaluates level of competency?
          websites, iRubric and RubiStar, provide free rubric   The holistic rubric is simpler during the develop-
          development. Other rubrics are available that have been   ment phase because it requires fewer criteria. The
          tested and are modifiable. The American Association   holistic rubric enables the evaluator to assess student
          of Colleges and Universities provides a variety of Valid   work or performance with a broad scope and make an
          Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education,   overall judgment (eg, pass or fail).
          commonly referred to as VALUE, rubrics that are avail-  The first step in rubric development is to deter-
          able online.                                       mine the number of quantifiers for the rating scale. In

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, November/December 2020, Volume 92, Number 2                              211
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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