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          Strategic Planning: A Roadmap to Success

          at the JRCERT

          Leslie F Winter, MS, R.T.(R)

                   n organization’s level of success often can be     ƒ weaknesses – an internal factor and demonstrates
                   attributed to its strategic planning process.   areas for improvement in the organization
                   Strategic planning is the ability to formulate     ƒ opportunities – an external factor identifying
          Abusiness strategies, implement them, and               areas for growth
          evaluate their effect on an organization’s objectives.      ƒ threats – an external factor that might be
          Strategic planning rose in popularity in the 1950s, and   detrimental or competitive for an organization
          has improved continually in quality.  The Joint    The SWOT analysis should be a collaborative process
          Review Committee on Education in Radiologic        with most staff participating. If the completion of the
          Technology (JRCERT) prioritizes strategic planning.   SWOT analysis is difficult with a large group, the group
          To improve processes, the process and subsequent   can be divided into smaller groups and a facilitator can
          initiatives are reviewed 3 times per year; however,   report findings from each group.
          major revisions and analysis generally are made every
          4 to 5 years.                                      Implementation
                                                                To achieve the goals of the organization, various
          Strategic Planning Steps                           strategies and operational objectives should be
            A strategic planning process should be unique for   implemented using action plans. An action plan is
          every organization to help determine what works best   a particular task that leads to the attainment of an
          for it and its staff. Typically, there are 3 steps to creating   operational objective and strategy. These strategies or
          a strategic plan.                                  objectives should be attainable in approximately 1 year
                                                             to progress toward fulfilling the organization’s goals,
          Strategy Formation and Data Collection             and the completion of multiple strategies and objectives
            An organization needs to assess its current state   assure that the goal of the organization is accomplished.
          (internal), as well as its market and audience (external).   Notably, the workload to implement and perform these
          The current state of the organization should be deter-  action plans should be distributed equitably to ensure
          mined before it can consider its future state. Data   that each staff member is accountable for the success of
          should be collected and analyzed to determine the   the strategic plan.
          organization’s state, which could take a few weeks
          to months, especially if the data is comprehensive.   Evaluation
          Comprehensive data collection includes numerous       The plan should be evaluated periodically, progress
          data points from multiple sources to help increase   made should be noted, and any metrics for success
          the validity of the data, or the triangulation method.   should be identified. This evaluation will ensure that
          Once this information is analyzed, it is time to   the organization is following the strategic plan and the
          develop the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and   process is achieving the desired outcomes. If there is
          threats (SWOT) analysis of the organization:       little to no progress, then the objectives might need to
                ƒ strengths – an internal factor that demonstrates   be adjusted or revised. Like the organization, the stra-
               the strengths of the organization             tegic plan is not a static entity and should be a dynamic,

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, September/October 2021, Volume 93, Number 1                              113
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes.©2021. All rights reserved.
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