Page 11 - JRCERT Update Articles
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          Meaningful Assessment of High-Impact


          Julie Lasley, PhD, R.T.(R)(T)

                 roducing high-quality graduates is the goal of   Box
                 all radiologic technology programs. The Joint   Joint Review Committee on Education in
                 Review Committee on Education in Radiologic   Radiologic Technology Standard 6 2
         PTechnology (JRCERT) established the                 6.1  The program maintains program effectiveness data:
          Standards for an Accredited Educational Program with      5-year average credentialing exam pass rate of not less
          input from radiography, radiation therapy, medical      than 75% at first attempt within 6 months of graduation.
          dosimetry, and magnetic resonance communities to       5-year average job placement rate of not less than 75%
          help guide program development. In addition, the        within 12 months of graduation annual program
          Standards help establish learning outcomes that are     completion rate.
          meaningful and provide clear expectations to faculty,   6.2 The program analyzes and shares its program effective-
          staff, and students about program values and quality.    ness data to facilitate ongoing program improvement.
          At a minimum, accredited educational programs must   6.3 The program has a systematic assessment plan that
          relate student learning to areas of clinical competency,   facilitates ongoing program improvement.
          communication, and critical thinking. Standard 6 of the   6.4  The program analyzes and shares student-learning out-
          2021 JRCERT Standards addresses a systematic, ongo-     come data to facilitate ongoing program improvement.
          ing assessment process that provides credible evidence   6.5 The program periodically re-evaluates its assessment
          of analysis and critical discussions to foster ongoing   process to assure continual program improvement.
          program improvement (see Box). 2
            Measuring success of student learning can be challen-  and ultimately lead students to mastery of learning
          ging, especially if benchmarks are being met continually.   concepts.  Implementing high-impact practices in the
          Best practices in assessment go beyond exams and quiz-  curriculum can prepare graduates for the work envi-
          zes to measure student learning and expand student   ronment and successful completion of the American
          success beyond the number of correct answers on an   Registry of Radiologic Technologists or Medical
          exam or quiz. Scale data often is reported to identify the   Dosimetrist Certification Board exams. 6
          level of proficiency or frequency of a behavior, which is
          an excellent way to report and record data.  However,   High-Impact Practices
          a single number such as 3.5 on a 5-point scale provides   Standard 6 of the JRCERT 2021 Standards emphasiz-
          little direction for student improvement. Students might   es using data for sustained improvement.  Accreditation
          wonder why the proficient level was provided and not   requires programs to document and evaluate many
          exemplary on a grading rubric.                     aspects of student learning that go beyond the collected
            Using high-impact practices to measure student   scaled data or the correct number of questions on an
          learning can connect classroom knowledge with clini-  exam. High-impact practices have the potential to meet
          cal experiences, while providing a self-reported level   and exceed learning outcomes and provide employers
          of proficiency or a rubric highlighting descriptors for   with graduates who are critical thinkers, effective com-
          the levels of proficiency. High-impact practices can   municators, clinically competent, and will become
          affect the way a student approaches course material   effective members of their team. 6-9

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, January/February 2023, Volume 94, Number 3                               231
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2022. All rights reserved.
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