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          Every component of the service-learning experience       ƒ Did you think only in the radiologic science
          is planned and delivered by the students; every com-    context, or did you think more broadly to other
          ponent includes contacting and meeting with the         health professions?
          community entity and writing reflections connecting      ƒ Would you like the radiologic technologist in your
          the experience with course content.                     description to be you?
            Students reported gaining practical experience and   Role playing can prepare students for what to expect
          benefited from engaging in educationally purposeful   while serving an underserved population, such as a shel-
          activities that prepared them for their career.  The   ter for the homeless or a shelter for women who have
          reflection on the realistic experience can be used as   experienced domestic violence. Much detail should be
          a measurement tool for a student-learning outcome.   provided for each role students might have so they have
          Clinical practicums are designed to prepare radio-  guidance for providing support as well as achieving the
          logic technology students for a career in the radiologic   desired learning outcomes of the course. 20
          sciences. Internships also provide realistic life experi-  Direct evidence of student learning from high-
          ences for college students to gain job skills needed for   impact practices can be demonstrated on the
          employment. Similarly, clinical practicums are designed   assessment using rubrics. Rubrics can be created
          for radiologic science students to prepare for a career in   or adapted from Valid Assessment of Learning in
          radiologic sciences. These practicums are essential to   Undergraduate Education (VALUE) rubrics devel-
          student success, offering a method to successfully mea-  oped by the American Association of Colleges and
          sure student-learning outcomes. 10                 Universities. 21,22  VALUE rubrics can be adapted into
                                                             grading rubrics for specific courses and activities.
          Critical Reflection and Rubrics                    Indirect measures also can be used by developing sur-
            Critical reflection develops critical thinking skills   veys, conducting focus groups, and using comments
          by challenging students’ current beliefs and raising new   from course evaluations that pertain to high-impact
          questions or ideas to be explored. Reflection before,   learning practices. 13
          during, and after the experience provides the greatest
          benefit to student learning. Students can recognize    For more information in VALUE rubrics,
          what they learned, how what they learned relates to    visit
          their current thinking, and what they might explore in
          the future. Radiologic sciences program faculty want
          to know whether their desired learning outcomes were   ePortfolios
          achieved and use the data for program improvement.    Implementing ePortfolios in a radiologic technol-
          The Table provides a student self-reflection service-  ogy program can create a metacognitive learning
          learning rubric.                                   experiences for students.  Metacognitive learning
            Reflection as an assessment tool can take many   is recognizing concepts one does not understand and
          forms, such as oral reflection in the form of presenta-  selecting learning strategies to improve critical think-
          tions, interviews, storytelling, or teaching a class.    ing.  Students in radiologic sciences can initiate
          Spoken reflection also can occur at the service site.   their ePortfolios in introductory radiologic sciences
          Written reflections offer students the opportunity to   courses and capture continued learning throughout
          connect their experiences with didactic coursework by   the entire curriculum.  Students archive artifacts and
          organizing their thoughts to make valid arguments.    reflections (eg, class projects, research papers, class
          Continued critical reflection in the radiologic sci-  notes)  throughout the curriculum, build transforma-
          ences requires questioning routines, values, and belief   tive learning, link didactic and clinical practice, and
          systems. Guided reflection provides a richer, vivid pic-  assimilate new knowledge with previous knowledge as
          ture of the experience. Guided reflection can include   their worldviews evolve and mature.  Reflective writ-
          these questions:                                   ing allows the learner to think critically about their

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, January/February 2023, Volume 94, Number 3                               233
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2022. All rights reserved.
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