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          Accreditation Standards Revision Process

          and student learning outcomes through a systematic,   2.   Standards revision. Joint Review Committee on Education
          ongoing assessment process that provides credible      in Radiologic Technology website.
          evidence to enable analysis and critical discussions to   /standards-revision/. Published 2018. Accessed January 5,
          foster ongoing program improvement. The draft defines   2018.
          the minimum requirements needed for an assessment
          plan. Thresholds for program effectiveness data were
          changed from the previous 5-year average to a 3-year
          average. In addition, the 75% thresholds for credential-
          ing examination pass rates and job placement rates have
          been increased to 80%, as has the program completion
          rate. The draft also defines minimum requirements for
          data analysis and use of results.
            The JRCERT’s Standards Revision webpage con-
          tains various documents related to revision of the
          Standards, including :
                ƒ the timeline
                ƒ all 8 draft standards
                ƒ surveys used to collect feedback
                ƒ crosswalks demonstrating changes to each stan-
               dard and objective
              To read the Standards Revision documents, visit

            To prepare draft 2, which should be available by
          the end of 2018, the JRCERT is soliciting input from
          program directors, clinical coordinators, faculty, site
          visitors, and administrators. The previous process of
          input collection and analysis will be repeated with draft
          3, which will be posted in December 2019. Thorough
          review and feedback of each draft will ensure that the
          Standards will be comprehensive and applicable for
          trends or changes that occur in upcoming years. The
          new Standards for an Accredited Educational Program
          will become effective January 1, 2021, after acceptance
          by the JRCERT board of directors.

            Bette Schans, PhD, R.T.(R), FASRT, is director of
          assessment and accreditation support for Colorado Mesa
          University in Grand Junction, Colorado. She also is first vice
          chair of the JRCERT board of directors.
          1.   Eatmon S. Standards revision process: stakeholder input.
              Radiol Technol. 2016;88(1):74-75.

          398                                                 RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, March/April 2018, Volume 89, Number 4
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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