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          Background Checks and Drug Screenings for Radiologic Science Students

          understanding of an individual’s background, educa-  in the urine, the program must determine the actions to
          tion, and employment history.                      be taken. Programs then must decide which clearance
                                                             results would prohibit students from taking the ARRT
          Drug Screening                                     or state licensure exams and which would compromise
            Clinical education centers’ drug screening require-  future employment. Programs should outline clearance
          ments vary. The dominant process requires employees   requirements and, after coordinating with the institu-
          to pass a drug screening before hire, upon hire, and   tion’s admissions department, make them publicly
          at random during employment. Radiologic science    available to prospective students.
          programs must consider the contractual requirements   Many health care institutions use information from
          with clinical education centers to ensure that students   criminal records in hiring decisions and require a clear-
          comply with the time frames in which clearances must   ance as a condition of employment. Programs can look
          be obtained as established in the contract. Screening   to employers’ processes for ideas in implementing their
          might need to take place at the time of admission to the   own requirements. For example, they can consider a
          program or in a certain period before starting a clini-  structured approach that includes :
          cal rotation. Many programs rotate students through      ƒ developing policies outlining how various crimi-
          multiple clinical education settings, each with a set   nal records could affect hiring decisions
          of requirements. With this in mind, a program might      ƒ providing specific written guidelines for identi-
          consider applying the most stringent requirements to    fying what constitutes a disqualifying criminal
          all students, rather than having requirements unique to   record for relevant jobs or job categories
          each clinical education setting. This practice will lessen     ƒ providing training with respect to relevant laws
          the record-keeping workload of the program personnel    and the application of established policies and
          who track compliance.                                   execution of established procedures
                                                                   ƒ establishing a mechanism for oversight of the use
          Why Conduct Clearances?                                 of criminal record information
            Radiologic science professionals spend significant   In addition, Porter suggests that programs review
          time with patients, performing numerous procedures.   practical questions, consider legal issues, and develop
          Individuals who have unidentified illegal behaviors   consistent policies and practices around using back-
          might put patients at risk. Clearances identify any   ground check results in the admissions process.  There
          criminal behaviors, as well as bring to light behav-  are other tactics to consider in developing policy and
          iors that violate the American Registry of Radiologic   implementing clearance requirements for radiologic sci-
          Technologists (ARRT) Code of Ethics.  Students who   ence students.
          are found to have displayed the identified negative
          behaviors might be ineligible for certification and regis-  Establish a timeframe, in the admissions process,
          tration.  4                                        in which program applicants must obtain criminal
                                                             background and drug screening clearances
          Implementation Considerations                         All program applicants should be required to
            Entrance requirements for radiologic science edu-  complete a clearance as part of consideration for
          cational programs should include information about   admission. A written statement indicating the clear-
          clearances as well as a definitive time frame for clear-  ance requirements, including procedures and time
          ance submission. A factor in establishing the application   frame, should be disclosed to the applicant as part of
          process time frame is the amount of time required to   the literature provided by the institution’s admissions
          get an applicant’s clearance results after the request is   department. Under such policy, an applicant might be
          submitted. Programs also must consider the protocol   required to sign a release acknowledging the clearance
          for handling the results. For example, with evidence of   requirements. The applicant should be responsible
          a criminal history or presence of a controlled substance   for submitting the results of the criminal background

          524                                                   RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, May/June 2018, Volume 89, Number 5
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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