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          JRCERT Accreditation Standards:

          Focus on Safety

          Jason W Stephenson, MD

                 he Joint Review Committee on Education in      Dose monitoring is a well-documented and well-
                 Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) is commit-   understood part of occupational safety maintenance. In
                 ted to ensuring that radiology, radiation thera-  keeping with this precaution, students are required to
          Tpy, magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, and          wear dosimetry badges at all times during their training.
          medical dosimetry training programs are safe for stu-  If students are employed by the medical center as tech-
          dents and patients.                                nologist assistants, they are expected to wear a separate
            Although all JRCERT standards are intended to be   badge for that activity.
          straightforward, differences in interpretation of lan-  The educational program should monitor student
          guage in standard elements and changes in the scope   exposure closely, including ongoing review of student
          of training can lead to gaps in compliance. This article   dosimetry data. These results should be shared with the
          reviews elements within Standard 4 that support the   student on a quarterly basis, at minimum. Optimally,
          maintenance of “policies and procedures that promote   program administration should document the distri-
          the health, safety, and optimal use of radiation for stu-  bution of these results and confirmation that students
          dents, patients, and the general public” and highlights   reviewed them.
          common compliance pitfalls related to these elements.
                                                                Common pitfalls encountered in relation to this
          Regulations and Laws                               standard include insufficient dosimetry data manage-
            Within Standard 4, Objective 4.1:                ment or distribution.

             assures the radiation safety of students through   Pregnancy
             the implementation of published policies and       According to Objective 4.2 a program:
             procedures that are in compliance with Nuclear
             Regulatory Commission regulations and state laws   has a published pregnancy policy consistent with
                                                                applicable federal regulations and state laws, made
             as applicable. 1-4
                                                                known to accepted and enrolled female students,
            It is critical that educational program policies and   and contains the following elements:
          procedures be well documented and shared with appro-    Written notice of voluntary declaration.
          priate communities of interest. An effective way for     Option for student continuance in the program
          programs to maintain compliance with this objective is   without modification.
          to share the information on their public website.       Option for written withdrawal of declaration. 1-4

          648                                                  RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, July/August 2017, Volume 88, Number 6
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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