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            The majority of programs demonstrate understand-  policies and procedures in regard to health and safety.” 1-4
          ing of the importance of having a published policy that   For radiography, it is Objective 4.8; for radiation therapy,
          addresses radiation safety practices for pregnant students.  it is 4.6; and it is 4.7 for MR and medical dosimetry.
            The most commonly encountered problems relat-       Students must be familiar with each clinical site’s
          ing to this standard are the failure to communicate the   safety policies to ensure they are equipped with suf-
          procedures for the withdrawal of a pregnancy declara-  ficient knowledge to protect patients and themselves.
          tion and the failure to stipulate that the withdrawal of a   This requirement ensures student compliance with all
          pregnancy declaration must be in writing.          relevant local policies on safety. To ensure that students
                                                             achieve this level of understanding, a site must offer a
          Radiation Safety                                   dedicated orientation—along with appropriate corre-
            Objective 4.3 “assures that students employ proper   sponding documentation—before any student begins a
          radiation safety practices.” Several aspects of this   rotation at that location.
          standard present pitfalls for educational programs dur-
          ing the accreditation process, including policies related   Documentation
          to keeping radiation exposures as low as reasonably   Although it is important to ensure the presence of
          achievable, using radiation safety practices in the acqui-  safety policies and accurately convey them to students
          sition of radiographs, and providing adequate safety   and faculty, it is equally important to document that
                                                             students have received this information. One way to
          training and safety screening.                     provide documentation is to have students sign an
            Students are prohibited from holding image recep-  attestation form confirming that they received and
          tors during image acquisition and strongly discouraged   understand safety policy information. During the site
          from holding patients during image acquisition.    visit process, site visitors will discuss these policies
          Adherence to these safety practices will limit the stu-  with students to gauge their level of understanding;
          dent’s occupational radiation dose and encourage use of   therefore, it also is important for programs to confirm
          patient immobilization devices during examinations.  students’ ongoing understanding of these policies.
            Because of the unique risks posed to health care pro-
          viders and patients in relation to MR imaging, students   Conclusion
          completing an MR rotation must receive MR imaging     Ensuring a safe training environment for students
          safety training. This training, whether part of orientation   is a shared goal of program directors, program faculty
          activities or the formal curriculum, must occur before   and staff, home institutions, health care facilities, and
          the student starts the MR rotation. Further, it is strongly   the JRCERT. Every objective included in JRCERT
          advised that each educational program require students to   Standard 4 serves to ensure that this goal is reflected in
          complete an MR safety screening form before their clinical   reality for all accredited educational programs. To that
          rotations. This documentation, kept in the student’s file,   end, care must be taken to ensure that the safety mea-
          should be updated yearly, or whenever a student’s respons-  sures in place are effective and well documented.
          es to any of the screening questions change.
            Common issues encountered in relation to this stan-
          dard include failure to emphasize that students must   Jason W Stephenson, MD, serves on the JRCERT board
          not hold image receptors, failure to provide MR imag-  of directors and is assistant professor, associate residency
          ing safety training before students start MR rotations,   program director, and director of medical student education
          or failure to document the presence or distribution of   for the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and
          any of the above requirements.                     Public Health in Madison, Wisconsin.

          General Health and Safety                          References
            Each of the JRCERT Standards state that the program   1.   Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic
          “assures that students are oriented to clinical setting   Technology. Standards for an accredited educational

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, July/August 2017, Volume 88, Number 6                                    649
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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