Page 19 - JRCERT Update Articles
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           Table 1
           Recommended Vaccines for Health Care Workers 20-25
           Vaccine        Recommendation                      Additional information
           Hepatitis B (hep B)  3-dose series of Recombivax HB (Merck) or   Blood-borne viral disease of the liver.
                          Engerix-B (GSK) or a 2-dose series of Heplisav-B
                          (Dynavax Technologies); hepatitis B surface
                          antibody serologic test performed 1-2 months
                          after the final dose of both series
           Influenza (flu)  1 dose annually                   Upper and lower respiratory viral infection that can lead
                                                              to hospitalization.
           Measles, mumps,   1 or 2 doses of MMR vaccine depending on   Measles is a respiratory viral disease that can lead to serious
           and rubella (MMR)  birth date (1957 or after), previous vaccination,   complications. Mumps is a viral disease that causes swelling
                          or evidence of immunity             of the salivary glands. Rubella is a viral disease that can result
                                                              in miscarriage and birth defects.
           Varicella      2 doses of varicella vaccine        Varicella, also called chicken pox, is caused by the varicella
                                                              zoster virus.
           Tetanus, diphtheria,  1 dose of Tdap vaccine with a Td or    Tetanus, also called lockjaw, is a disease caused by a toxin-
           and acellular    Tdap booster every 10 years and during    producing bacterium, which results in muscle contractions.
           pertussis (Tdap)  each pregnancy                   Diphtheria is a bacterial infection that affects the respiratory
                                                              system. Pertussis, also called whooping cough, is dangerous
                                                              for babies.
           COVID-19       2-dose primary series (Pfizer-BioNTech,   COVID-19 is a viral infection that causes a variety of symptoms
                          Moderna, or Novavax) and appropriate boosters  and is high risk for older adults and those with heart disease,
                                                              lung disease, and diabetes.

          their records from their parents or caregivers, high   Programs also need to consider ways to address
          school or college health services, previous employers,   exemptions to immunization policies such as allergies
          and personal physicians or clinics. If records cannot be   and religious or philosophical concerns. Allergies to
          found and blood tests do not show immunity, vaccines   vaccines and their components are rare; most often they
          might need to be repeated. State public health depart-  are associated with components such as egg, gelatin,
          ments provide recommendations or requirements for   and yeast, or related to latex.  People who are moder-
          college student vaccinations, especially for those living   ately or severely immunocompromised have specific
          on campus. Health care programs can have additional   recommendations for COVID-19 vaccines, including
          requirements based on clinical site expectations and   boosters.  Health care workers and students who are
          affiliation agreements. The educational institution or   allergic or immunocompromised should talk with their
          program must determine an appropriate method for   physician to determine the best course for them regard-
          storing this information, in compliance with the Health   ing vaccinations. Programs also should be prepared to
          Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).   follow appropriate policies related to vaccine exemp-
          Some programs choose their own secure file storage,   tions and exceptions.
          while others might use a service to retain students’
          health information. There are pros and cons to each   Vaccine Challenges and Concerns
          approach. No matter the storage type, programs must   There are a variety of challenges and concerns
          be careful to ensure these health records are secured   regarding vaccines, including access, safety, hesitancy,
          and HIPAA compliant.                               and compliance. One challenge during the COVID-19

          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2023. All rights reserved.
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