Page 21 - JRCERT Update Articles
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           Table 2
           Potential Curricular Touchpoints for Vaccines and Their Purpose
           Touchpoints             Purpose
           Program information sessions  Ensure program candidates are aware of expectations for working in the health care environment.
           Admissions requirements
           Orientation             Ensure student safety in the clinical setting and adherence to policies and procedures.
           Patient care course     Improve student knowledge of pathology and infection for a broader medical understanding.
           Clinical courses
           Pathology course
           Capstone experience     Prepare graduates for the health care workforce and vaccine expectations.

           Table 3
           Vaccination Resources 44-47
           Resource                Mission                                         Vaccine efforts
           World Bank              To end extreme poverty and to promote shared prosperity in a   Works globally toward solving
           (  sustainable way.                               vaccination gaps.
           World Health Organization   To achieve better health for all people through global efforts. To   Works with countries and
           (              give everyone, everywhere an equal chance at a safe and healthy   partners to improve global
                                   life by connecting countries, people, and partners.  vaccination coverage.
           Centers for Disease Control    To protect the United States from health, safety, and security   Provides guidance and support
           and Prevention          threats, foreign and domestic. Whether diseases start in the   for vaccinations to health care
           (               United States or abroad, are chronic or acute, curable or    professionals and the public.
                                   preventable, caused by human error or deliberate attack, they
                                   fight disease and support communities and citizens to do the same.
           U.S. Department of Health and    To enhance the health and well-being of all Americans by    Responsible for vaccine
           Human Services          providing for effective health and human services and by    research, development,
           (               fostering sound, sustained advances in the sciences underlying   safety and testing, licensing
                                   medicine, public health, and social services.   manufacturers, and distribution.

          can help alleviate this global health burden. For example,   presented to students as an ethical obligation in rela-
          since the beginning of the Polio Eradication Initiative,   tion to beneficence (doing good) and nonmaleficence
          polio cases have decreased worldwide by 99.99%.  The   (doing no harm). For example, the seasonal influenza
          globalized society brings students in contact with medi-  vaccine has been recommended for health care workers
          cal imaging and radiation therapy patients from across   for many years to protect the individual and those they
          the world. Therefore, the health of people worldwide can   encounter who are most vulnerable.
          affect health care workers and their patients. Essentially,   There are several possible points before and during
          no one is safe until all are safe.                 instruction when addressing the topic of vaccines would
                                                             be appropriate (see Table 2). Topics might include:
          Teaching Students About Vaccines                         ƒ ethical concepts
            To keep students and their patients safe, instilling a     ƒ historical success stories
          respect for the effect vaccines can have by sharing scien-    ƒ risks vs benefits
          tific knowledge through program information, policies,     ƒ safety
          and curriculum is important. Vaccination could be        ƒ vaccine efficacy

          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2023. All rights reserved.
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