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                                                                                          Herrmann, Leggett

           Table 1
           Example Radiography Curriculum Map
                                                          Demonstrate       Exhibit professional   Demonstrate
                                          Demonstrate     problem-solving and  interpersonal   the value of
           Course Name a                  clinical competency critical thinking skills  communication skills professionalism
            Intro to Medical Imaging             I                I                I                I
           Clinical I                            I                I                I                I
            Procedures I                         I                I                I                I
            Radiographic Equipment I             I                I                I               —
           Clinical II                           I                R                R               R
            Procedures II                        I                R                R               R
            Radiographic Equipment II            R                R                —               —
           Clinical III                          R                R                R               R
            Procedures III                       R                R                R               R
            Radiobiology and Radiation Safety    R                R
           Clinical IV                           R                R                R               R
            Image Production and Evaluation      R               M                 —               —
            Advanced Medical Imaging Modalities  I               —                I/R              R
           Clinical V                           M                M                 M               M
            Preparing for the Profession        M                 z                M               M
           a  Blue, first-year courses; Gray, second-year courses; White, clinical courses
           Abbreviations: I, Introduced; R, Reinforced; M, Mastered.

          faculty need to determine where to start by asking    1.  Create a template. The institution might provide a
          questions such as what should students do, know, or     standard template. If it does not, a template can be
          feel at the end of the program. When faculty have a     downloaded from an online source, or a table in a
          clear understanding of these answers, they can ensure   Microsoft’s Word or Excel programs can serve as
          that instructional materials, formative and summative   a platform to create the map.
          assessments, course objectives, and modes of instruc-  2.  Identify program outcomes. Many templates
          tional delivery align with program goals.               identify outcomes across the horizontal axis at
            Creating a curriculum map enables faculty members     the top of the map (see Table 1). If the outcomes
          to visualize the program curriculum from broad and      are lengthy, use abbreviations or codes instead of
          detailed perspectives. All faculty members should be    spelling them out.
          involved in the mapping process because these indi-   3.  Identify program courses. Courses generally are
          viduals are the content experts for their courses and   sequenced in ascending or numerical order on
          provide valuable insight. Faculty can use templates,    the vertical axis. Note: program outcome and
          online surveys, or software to create a curriculum. 8   program course placement can be reversed on the
                                                                  matrix or map.
                        Steps for Map Creation                  4.  Complete the matrix. Determine where each out-
            The steps used in developing a curriculum map are     come is addressed within a course or courses. A
          applicable to any program.                              common method is to use the terms Introduced,

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, May/June 2019, Volume 90, Number 5                                       531
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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