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          radiographer when repeating unsatisfactory images.”   visit, the site visit team will provide a verbal overview
          The program response might be:                     of their findings, which is shared with the program and
                                                             administration during the program exit summation.
             Students in the radiography program are directly   The program is responsible for arranging lodging
             supervised during all repeat examinations and   and transportation for the site visitors, who usually
             procedures. This information is documented on   arrive the day before the visit. Site visitors will require
             program repeat examination logs (see examples of   transportation to and from the airport to the hotel, and
             completed student repeat examination logs, exhibit   to and from the hotel to the school. Some members
             4.A). All students must submit weekly repeat logs per
             program policy (see Repeat Policy, exhibit 4.B). Every  of the site visit team might have to stay an additional
             year, all clinical instructors and staff are made aware  evening, depending on the time of the exit summation,
             of the policy and must sign off that they have reviewed  travel time from the campus to the airport, and avail-
             the policy (see signature pages, clinical instructors and  able flight times.
             staff, all clinical settings, exhibit 4.C).
                                                             Preparing for the Visit
            Responding to each standard and the correspond-     Program directors have options for how they choose
          ing objectives in a similar fashion provides consistency,   to prepare for the site visit, and these options can allow
          clarity, and creates a vision of the program. The   for an organized and congruent site visit. Although not
          assumption exists that program directors know their   required, it is recommended that program directors
          program, but it is important to remember that the   notify clinical instructors from the sites the JRCERT
          JRCERT and the site visit team do not. Therefore,   selected (listed in the site visitor assignment letter) and
          clearly drafted narratives with corresponding exhibits   stress to them the critical nature of the clinical affili-
          create a vision and map of the program.            ation involvement during the 2-day visit. In addition,
            Once the self-study is submitted, the JRCERT staff   program directors also should discuss the upcoming
          reviews the narrative response, supporting documenta-  visit with students and explain their role in accredita-
          tion, and any additionally requested information.  tion. While on campus, the site visit team requires a
                                                             private space to work, with internet access, a printer, a
          Site Visit Assignment Letter                       phone, access to the program documents that will be
            The site visit assignment letter provides the program   reviewed, and a room to conduct interviews. Moreover,
          director with site visit details, including the:   all program faculty must be available during the entire
                ƒ number of site visitors                    visit should the site visit team have questions.
                ƒ clinical settings the site visit team will assess
                ƒ clinical instructors or their representatives who  During the Visit
               must be available for on campus interviews (or via  The site visit team, considered the eyes and ears of
               conference call if they are in clinical settings that  the JRCERT, will report their findings to the JRCERT
               are more than 60 miles away)                  through a site visit report. In addition to covering all of
          Students from the clinical settings also must be avail-  the Standards and corresponding objectives, including
          able for interviews; such interviews can take place on   indicating areas of noncompliance, the report:
          campus, at a representative clinical site, or held via con-    ƒ provides guidance to the program
          ference call.                                            ƒ identifies the areas where the program is not in
            The site visitor team chair will develop an agenda    compliance with the Standards
          with the program director. The agenda should be final-    ƒ provides suggestions for improvement
          ized 2 weeks before the visit and, once approved by all     ƒ points out program strengths
          parties, submitted to the JRCERT office. During the   During the visit, the site visit team will tour the cam-
          visit, the site visit team uses the Standards as their guide   pus, program resources, classrooms, student common
          when reviewing the program. Before completion of the   areas, and other key areas. Team members will spend

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, March/April 2019, Volume 90, Number 4                                    425
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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