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          Transitioning From Faculty to

          a Program Director

          Loraine D Zelna, MS, R.T.(R)(MR)
          Bette Schans, PhD, R.T.(R), FASRT

                 ecause continuity of an educational program is   the elements of the new role. Absent that, resources
                 critical to the success of the students within the   are available from other sources. For example, 3 key
                 program, it would be ideal if a faculty member   points from Transition From Faculty to Administrator
         Bcould transform, at the wave of a magic wand,      that will help ensure a smooth and successful transi-
          into an experienced program director with an immediate   tion are :
          and full understanding of the new job. Unfortunately,     ƒ Understand why you want to do it.
          what often happens is that the person transitions into the     ƒ Understand your new role.
          position without preparation or instruction and has to     ƒ Give yourself time to learn the job, and monitor
          learn the job on the job. Fortunately, there are ways to   your progress and satisfaction.
          ensure a smooth transition.                        New program directors might start their new jobs by
                                                             familiarizing themselves with their institutions’ master
          Creating a Smooth Transition                       plan. Every program should have a master plan that lists
            One of the most effective ways to ensure a smooth   and describes the minimum elements necessary for an
          transition is to have program directors create succession   accredited radiologic science program to function, and
          plans while they are still in office that allow adequate   should include items such as:
          time for mentoring their replacement. The incom-         ƒ Course syllabi.
          ing program director would shadow the incumbent          ƒ Faculty scheduling.
          program director at meetings and during budget and       ƒ Program policies and procedures.
          schedule planning before taking over.                    ƒ Budget planning.
            Another way to avoid a rocky transition is to have     ƒ Assessment and accreditation information.
          all faculty play a part in a program’s planning and      ƒ Faculty position descriptions.
          decision-making process. This inclusive and coopera-  The master plan must be accessible by all program fac-
          tive approach provides transparency and helps ensure   ulty, who should review the plan frequently to maintain
          that if the program director position vacates—whether   familiarity with the necessary elements.
          because of resignation or retirement—someone will be   A new program director also might create a tran-
          able to step in, even temporarily, to ensure that the pro-  sition package that includes a monthly checklist of
          gram continues to run smoothly.                    obligations to his or her programmatic accreditors,
            Ideally, new program directors will have a book   department, and institution. In addition to includ-
          or electronic repository that outlines and explains   ing the required elements, the package should include

          196                                           RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, November/December 2017, Volume 89, Number 2
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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