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          Standards Revision Process:

          Stakeholder Input

          Stephanie Eatmon, EdD, R.T.(R)(T), FASRT

                 he Standards for an Accredited Educational   Box
                 Program are the documents that guide radiogra-  JRCERT Core Values 1
                 phy, radiation therapy, magnetic resonance, and   The Committee:
          Tmedical dosimetry programs in providing the        ¡  Believes educational quality and integrity should not be
          excellence in education that elevates the quality and   compromised.
          safety of patient care. The core values of the Joint   ¡  Respects and protects the rights of students.
          Review Committee on Education in Radiologic         ¡  Promotes the welfare of patients.
          Technology (JRCERT) serve as a basis for the stan-  ¡  Encourages educational innovation.
          dards (see Box). In particular, 2 of the core values—  ¡  Collaborates with other organizations to advance the
          encourages educational innovation and responds in a pro-  profession.
          active and dynamic manner to the environment in which we   ¡  Exemplifies the highest ethical principles in its actions and
          operate—served as the impetus for a comprehensive     decisions.
          review of the current standards.                    ¡  Responds in a proactive and dynamic manner to the
            JRCERT remains steadfast in its commitment to       environment in which we operate.
          excellence in education through the accreditation of
          radiography, radiation therapy, magnetic resonance,   Obama administration executive action on higher
          and medical dosimetry programs. At the spring 2015   education accreditation, and increasing student loan
          JRCERT board meeting, the directors voted to open   debt have led to a growing awareness of accreditation
          the Standards for an Accredited Educational Program   organizations and the expectation that schools should
          to a comprehensive revision. Although the standards   be graduating students with the knowledge and skills
          were revised in 2014, and JRCERT standards typically   needed for success.  Throughout the revision process,
          undergo revisions every 10 years, the directors voted   the Higher Education Act (HEA) reauthorization will
          for an early revision based on numerous interpreta-  be considered and might affect the revision timeline.
          tions throughout the documents and the lack of clarity   During this revision process, it is important for the
          in Standard 5: Assessment. The JRCERT board of     JRCERT to explore many strategic initiatives and gather
          directors periodically issues interpretations to specific   input from all communities of interest. JRCERT staff
          objectives within the standards to help clarify the intent   have developed multiple thought-provoking surveys for
          of the objective. In addition, the political environment   all stakeholders, including program directors, clinical
          after the collapse of Corinthian Colleges, planned   coordinators, faculty, clinical instructors, professional

          74                                             RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, September/October 2016, Volume 88, Number 1
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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